刘 莹,张凌浩.“度” 之概念在智能手机UI设计中的价值与应用[J].包装工程,2011,32(8):52-55.
“度” 之概念在智能手机UI设计中的价值与应用
Value and Application of Dimension in UI Design of Smart Phone
投稿时间:2010-12-18  修订日期:2011-04-20
中文关键词:   智能手机  用户界面  眼动仪实验  感性工学
英文关键词: dimension  smart phone  user interface  eye tracking system experiment  kansei engineering
基金项目:中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助 (JUSRP21151)
刘 莹 江南大学无锡 214122 
张凌浩 江南大学无锡 214122 
      以手机 UI在通讯产业中的地位变得逐渐重要为启示, 针对目前大部分手机 UI设计仅停留在满足易用性、 舒适性的初级设计现状, 提出了将 “度” 之概念介入智能手机用户界面(UI)中进行设计研究的理念。希望通过眼动仪实验和感性工学等研究方法, 从人类的发展和长远的利益角度来适度地满足用户需求, 并为理想手机用户体验的实现提供新的设计思路与评价标准。
      Inspired by the importance of smart phone UI in the communications industry, in order to deal with the current problem that the UI design of most mobile phones only aims at usability and degree of comfort, it put forward the new idea of introducing the concept of "dimension”into the designing research of smart phone user interface (UI). Hope that through such research methods as eye tracking system experiments and kansei engineering, the designers can meet users′ needs from the aspect of the development and long-term interests of human beings and provide new designing ideas and evaluation standards for the realization of ideal experience of mobile phone users.
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