邹 欢,王华斌,欧阳波.基于用户研究的梯度式概念原型设计方法[J].包装工程,2011,32(18):65-67.
Gradient Conceptual Prototype Design Method Based on User Research
投稿时间:2011-05-04  修订日期:2011-09-20
中文关键词: 概念原型设计  用户研究  梯度式  设计方法
英文关键词: conceptual prototype design  user research  gradient  design method
基金项目:华南理工大学中央高校基本科研业务费重点项目; 华南理工大学中央高校基本科研业务费项目
邹 欢 华南理工大学广州 510006 
王华斌 华南理工大学广州 510006 
欧阳波 华南理工大学广州 510006 
      基于在新产品开发设计中, 用户研究分析结果应用于概念原型设计时, 由于方案缺乏选择性和递进性而易被全盘否定, 针对此问题, 论述了梯度式概念原型设计方法, 旨在探索如何从用户研究向概念原型设计过渡。通过对用户研究结果进行选择性细分, 确定若干梯度式概念原型版本, 进而有选择性的将用户研究结果运用其中, 从而避免设计过程中创新的盲目性和易流失性, 并以某智能监测机器人项目为实例, 对其过程及方法进行了分析。
      In the new product development, when the user research results are applied in the conceptual prototype design, the plan is easily rejected for the reason of lacking selectivity and progressiveness. According to this problem, it discussed the gradient conceptual prototype design method whose aim is to explore how to move from user research to conceptual prototype design. By subdividing the results of user research selectively, a number of gradient conceptual prototype design editions are determined, and then we use the subdivided results selectively in these editions. By using this method, the loss of innovation and the blindness innovation behavior can be both avoided in the design process. In the end we took some intelligent monitoring robot project as an example and analyzed the process and the method.
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