马 彧.吉祥福文化在天津石家大院旅游纪念品设计中的运用[J].包装工程,2011,32(20):50-52,80.
Application of Propitiousness, Luck and Fortune Culture in the Design of the Tourist Souvenirs of the Shi′ s Court in Tianjin
投稿时间:2011-05-10  修订日期:2011-10-20
中文关键词: 石家大院  福文化  旅游纪念品
英文关键词: the Shi′ s court  fortune culture  tourist sourvenir
基金项目:天津市艺术科学规划 (2008年度) 研究项目资助 (D08027); 天津市教委科研计划项目资助 (20082303)
马 彧 天津工业大学天津 300160 
      通过对天津石家大院吉祥福文化现状的分析, 得出现有天津石家大院旅游纪念品的设计方法, 并通过阐述其吉祥福元素的系统分析和归类过程, 提出 “津味” 旅游纪念品的设计方法, 阐明了旅游纪念品设计应根据旅游目的地文化特色进行设计, 把具有地方特色的旅游纪念品设计与人的心理需求结合起来, 使其品牌化、 系列化、 个性化, 从而形成产业, 促进当地旅游经济的发展。
      Through the analysis of the cultural symbols of Ji Xiang and Fu (propitiousness, luck and fortune) in the Shi′ s court in Tianjin, it concluded with a design method of the tourist souvenirs of the court. Also through systematic analysis and categorization of the Ji Xiang and Fu elements, design method of tourist souvenirs of "Tianjin taste" is proposed. It also explicated that the design of tourist souvenirs should be based on the cultural features of the tourist target while integrating tourists′psychological needs into the design of the souvenirs. Besides, the design should have its own brand, series and individuality so that it grows into an industry that contributes to the development of local tourism economy.
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