张 萍.人性化软件界面设计的历史和原则[J].包装工程,2011,32(20):81-83,87.
The History and Principles of the User-friendly Software UI Design
投稿时间:2011-05-19  修订日期:2011-10-20
中文关键词: 软件界面  人性化设计  配色  布局  交互性
英文关键词: software user interface  user-friendly design  color collocation  layout  interactivity
基金项目:河南省社科联调研课题 (SKL-2011-1659); 安阳市社科规划课题 (2011-107)
张 萍 安阳师范学院安阳 455002 
      从软件编码以及软件界面设计的发展历史入手, 详述了软件界面的 3种历史形态,即批处理界面、 命令行用户界面、 图形用户界面, 指出软件界面设计应以人为本, 人性化是软件界面设计的本质要求。在此基础上, 进一步分析了人性化设计在软件界面的色彩、 布局、 交互性 3个方面的应用原则, 指出配色应种类适中、 形象独特、 色调统一、 符合用户心理特征; 布局应遵循简洁、 顺序、 规范、 平衡和对比等原则; 而交互性中换肤以及智能布局是人性化软件界面设计的 2个重要发展方向。
      From the development history of the software coding and UI (User Interface) design, three historical forms of software UI, i.e. batch interface, command line user interface and graphical user interface were described in detail. A viewpoint that the software UI design should be human-oriented and the user-friendly design being its essential requirement was proposed. On this basis, further discussion on the principles of user-friendly principle in software UI design were taken in three respects of color, layout and interactivity. And it pointed out that the color applied in software UI should be moderate, unique, uniform and coincident with the psychological characteristics of users. These principles of simplicity, sequence, normalization, balance and contrast should be followed in its layout and the skin replacement and intelligent layout in terms of the interactivity were two important development directions of user-friendly software UI design.
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