谭坤,刘正宏,李颖.“非遗” 传承创新语境下的APP界面设计研究[J].包装工程,2015,36(8):60-63,115.
“非遗” 传承创新语境下的APP界面设计研究
APP Interface Design in the Context of Inheriting and Innovating "Intangible Cultural Heritage"
投稿时间:2014-12-04  修订日期:2015-04-20
中文关键词: 非物质文化遗产传承创新  APP界面设计  信息架构  视觉设计
英文关键词: the context of inheriting and innovating "Intangible Cultural Heritage"  APP interface design  information architecture  visual design
谭坤 北京电子科技职业学院北京 100176 
刘正宏 北京电子科技职业学院北京 100176 
李颖 北京电子科技职业学院北京 100176 
      目的 研究 “非遗” 传承创新语境下的APP界面设计。方法 分析优秀 “非遗” 类APP作品界面设计的特征, 总结 “非遗” 类APP界面的交互方式及应用, 概括APP界面设计中的信息架构和视觉表现方法及原则。结论 将传统艺术语言与信息技术、 数字艺术、 移动终端平台融合, 能最大程度地使民族文化得以保护、 开发、 传承与创新。面向 “非遗” 传承创新的APP界面设计, 应充分兼顾产品功能、 用户体验与界面视觉效果的结合, 传统元素融入界面设计不应只是 “非遗” 元素的堆砌, 而要考虑如何通过有趣的交互传达传统文化的内涵。
      It researches on APP interface design in the context of inheriting and innovating "Intangible Cultural Heritage". It analyzes the characteristics outstanding works in "Intangible Cultural Heritage" APP interface design, summarizes interactive and application of "Intangible Cultural Heritage" APP interface,and recapitulates the IIICHmethodology and principles of APP interface design information architecture and visual design. Digital arts and MT (mobile terminals) can maximize the protection, development, inheritance and innovation of ethnic culture. APP interface design with IIICH should combine product features, user experience and interface visual effects. The traditional elements integrated into interface design is not simply loading non-heritage elements, but to consider how to convey the meaning of traditional culture through interesting interaction.
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