Innovative Design of Multi-Purpose Rescue Stretcher Vehicle Mechanism
投稿时间:2015-01-06  修订日期:2015-06-20
中文关键词: 多功能担架车  轮椅  创新设计  曲柄滑块串联机构
英文关键词: multi-purpose stretcher vehicle  wheel chair  innovative design  slider-crank mechanism in series connection
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目 (51275486); 教育部高校博士点专项科研基金 (20111420110005)
梁晶晶 中北大学太原 030051 
李瑞琴 中北大学太原 030051 
黄剑文 中北大学太原 030051 
任立东 中北大学太原 030051 
      目的 创新设计一款多功能救援担架车, 在自然灾害发生时可实现占用救援人员少、 操作快速方便,在不同路况及环境下安全转运伤员的功能。方法 该担架车由上肢部、 中部及下肢部铰接组成, 通过偏置曲柄滑块与对心曲柄滑块组成的串联机构、 棘轮机构及插销机构和分体设计, 实现担架车的单人直推直拉上下救护车及快速变形为轮椅和担架。结论 该款创新设计的担架车具有结构简单、 加工方便、 可在多种场合使用且救援高效的特点, 采用简单机构就可实现有意义的动作, 既经济又实用。
      A multi-purpose rescue stretcher vehicle is designed,in the event of natural disasters, it can achieve the less occupation of rescue workers,quick and easy operation to transport the wounded in different conditions,to achieve transporting the injured rapidly in different case. This stretcher vehicle articulated by upper,middle and lower limbs, through serial mechanism,ratchet mechanism and blot mechanism,that consisted of offset slider-crank and in-line slider-crank mechanism, together with separate design to realizes the stretcher vehicle to be direct push on and straight pull off the ambulance, and can be transformed into wheelchair and stretcher quickly. The stretcher has some characteristics including simple structure, convenient processing, using in many occasions and rescue efficiency. With the aid of time saving design concept and target, using the simple mechanism can realize significant motion, which is both economical and practical,it will have a good market prospect.
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