New Thinking on Eco-design of New Chinese Furniture
投稿时间:2015-05-09  修订日期:2015-09-20
中文关键词: 家具  新中式  生态设计  创新设计
英文关键词: furniture  new Chinese style  ecological design  innovation design
基金项目:四川省教育厅人文社会科学重点研究基地“工业设计产业研究中心” 开放课题资助 (GY-15YB-08); 江苏省2012年度高校 “青蓝工程” 培养计划资助项目(2012-39); 江苏省第三批高校优秀中青年教师和校长赴境外研修计划资助(2013-1)
方方 1. 南京林业大学南京 2100372. 扬州工业职业技术学院扬州 225127 
关惠元 南京林业大学南京 210037 
      目的 对新中式家具的生态设计进行研究。方法 以新中式家具设计的 “可成长性” 作为基础,对家具的 “传统生态设计” 和 “现代生态设计” 进行对比研究。结论 通过对比分析, 得出新中式家具与生态设计在设计思想、 设计内容、 设计方法以及设计审美等方面的关联属性。并以此为基础, 根据生态设计行为链的逻辑路径分别阐述了传统中式家具生态设计的体现形式以及现代生态家具设计的特征, 提出了新中式家具生态设计的三层次, 即基础层、 引导层以及理想层, 分别对应生态技术的应用、生态审美的引导以及生态文化的再生, 并辅以设计实例说明, 以协助设计师进行新中式生态家具的设计实践。
      It analyzes the ecological design of new Chinese furniture. Based on the ideas of growth design, it makes comparison between ecological design of traditional furniture and ecological design of modern furniture.After comparative analysis, the relationship between ecological design and new Chinese furniture are made clear from four aspects: design idea,design content, design method and design aesthetic. On these foundations, from the view of logical ecological design, the design forms of traditional Chinese furniture and design characters of modern ecological furniture are analyzed in this paper. The three design hierarchies of new Chinese furniture are put forward based on ecological design: foundation level, guiding level and ideal level.The three levels correspond to application of ecological technology, guidance of ecological aesthetics and formation of ecological culture, respectively.An example is also illustrated, which is hoped to be used for reference by new Chinese furniture designers.
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