Official Website Design for Mobile Phone Game Industry
投稿时间:2015-08-06  修订日期:2015-12-20
中文关键词: 手机游戏  官网设计  信息架构  交互设计
英文关键词: mobile game  website design  information architecture  interaction design
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目 (71173012); 北京科技大学本科教改重点项目 (JG2013Z05)
高玉娇 北京科技大学北京 100083 
覃京燕 北京科技大学北京 100083 
王晓慧 北京科技大学北京 100083 
      目的 基于手机游戏与网站设计的交互设计原则与用户体验研究成果, 从信息架构、 交互设计以及视觉设计3个方面, 探讨基于用户体验的手机游戏行业官方网站设计的方法与流程。方法 对比分析国内外手机游戏行业官方网站设计存在的弊端, 并采用问卷调查的方法了解用户需求。结论 信息架构方面加入用户自产生信息内容设计, 形成快速的信息交流与反馈; 交互设计方面加入符合交互逻辑的合理动效、 交互行为及其相应操作, 网站引导设计和及时有效的交互反馈, 构建良好的用户体验; 视觉设计方面兼具扁平化与拟物化的双重特征和统一的品牌识别系统特征。
      From three aspects of information architecture, interaction design and visual design, based on the interactive design principles and user experience achievements of mobile phone game and website design,it tries to explore the methods and process of official website design for mobile phone game industry official websites based on user experience. Firstly, it uses the comparative analysis drawbacks of design in mobile phone game industry′s official websites and using the questionnaire to survey the user′s needs.Secondly case study is used to support the design disciplines in interaction design and interface design.In Information architecture,it adds user generated-information architecture design for a quick exchange of information and feedback.In the interaction design,it adds the reasonable interaction workflow logic and dynamic effects, gesture and behavior navigation design for the instant interaction and feedback to create a good user experience like self adaptive and mass customizations.The visual design selects the independent innovation with the unified style to combine flat and Hypostatization brand characteristics.
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