李付星.TRIZ 理论在特殊群体辅助轮椅创新设计中的应用[J].包装工程,2016,37(10):113-117.
TRIZ 理论在特殊群体辅助轮椅创新设计中的应用
The Application of TRIZ Theory in the Design of Special Group Assisted Wheelchair
投稿时间:2016-01-06  修订日期:2016-05-20
中文关键词: TRIZ 理论  特殊群体  辅助轮椅  人机工程学  技术冲突  矛盾解决矩阵
英文关键词: TRIZ theory  special groups  auxiliary wheelchair  ergonomics  technical conflict  conflict solution matrix
基金项目:徐州市科技型中小企业创新基金(XC12A001); 徐州工程学院校青年基金(XKY2012310)
李付星 徐州工程学院 徐州 221008 
      目的 针对老年人、 患病者等特殊群体在坐立交替时容易出现摔倒等意外情况, 将 TRIZ 理论与人机工程相结合, 对特殊群体辅助轮椅进行创新设计。 方法 利用 TRIZ 理论的冲突解决原理及人机工程学的相关知识, 对所改进的辅助轮椅提出了创新设计思路, 并对在设计过程中出现的技术冲突, 制定出了详细的解决措施。 结论 将 TRIZ 理论与人机工程相结合对辅助轮椅进行设计实践, 验证了应用该方法为产品设计构思提供创新思路的可行性, 并为相关产品的开发设计提供了重要参考。
      Whereas the special group, such as the elderly and patients, are easy to fall down in alternating between sitting and standing postures, it proposes to combine the TRIZ theory with ergonomics and conduct innovative design on special-group auxiliary wheelchair. By using the theory of TRIZ innovation principle and the related theory of the man-machine engineering, for the special group of improvement required auxiliary wheelchair innovative design ideas are put forward, the corresponding solution measures are made at the conflict in the process of innovation design of technology. By combining the TRIZ theory with ergonomics, an innovative practice for the special-group auxiliary wheelchair is made, which verify the application of this method can provide important for product design, development of related products design has certain reference significance.
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