喻仲文.论《易传》的 “法天则象”设计思想[J].包装工程,2016,37(12):172-175.
论《易传》的 “法天则象”设计思想
On the Design Idea of "Fa-Tian-Ze-Xiang" in "Yi Zhuan"
投稿时间:2016-02-15  修订日期:2016-06-20
中文关键词: 《易传》  法天则象  设计思想
英文关键词: "Yi Zhuan"  Fa-Tian-Ze-Xiang  design idea
喻仲文 武汉理工大学武汉 430070 
      目的 旨在探讨《易传》中“法天则象”的基本含义,它是中国古代“天人合一”思想的最原始的表达。 方法 通过对《易传》中“法天则象”含义的训诂,结合先秦时期设计实践,揭示了《易传》中“天”的两个维度,一是时间维度,如春夏秋冬等“四时”;二是空间维度,即“天象”、“天文”。“象”既指卦象,也指星象。 结论 “法天则象”表达了中国古代设计与天地四时秩序的统一,表现出中国古代设计尊重、顺应自然,与天地万物和谐相应的设计智慧。
      It aims to discuss the connotations of Fa-Tian-Ze-Xiang(Following the Orders of Heaven , Modeling the Rules of Image), the original expression about harmony between the Heaven and Human in Yi Zhuan. Through tracing the meaning of Heaven and astrology, with reference to the practical design of the Pre-qin Dynasty, it reveals two dimensions of Heaven and Image: the dimension of time, that is four seasons such as Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, and the dimension of space, namely the system of stars and the images of the cosmos. Image refers to the images of trigrams, it also includes the laws of astrology. In old Chinese design history, following the orders of heaven, modeling the rules of image expresses the design idea of keeping the unity with the seasons, the orders of nature and it also shows a philosophy of China that Chinese design not only respects the nature, but also keeps harmonious rhythm with the universe.
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