Different UX between Automatic Cars and Driverless Cars
投稿时间:2016-03-20  修订日期:2016-07-20
中文关键词: 无人驾驶  自主驾驶  语义分析  用户体验
英文关键词: unmanned  autonomous driving  semantic analysis  user experience
基金项目:国家科技支撑计划(2015BAH22F01) ;国家自然科学基金项目(61402159、60903090) ;湖南省社会科学基金项目(2010YBA054) ;汽车车身先进设计制造国家重点实验室自主课题;湖南大学青年教师成长计划项目资助
谭浩 湖南大学 汽车车身先进设计制造国家重点实验室长沙 410082 
孙家豪 湖南大学 设计艺术学院长沙 410082 
      目的 以无人驾驶汽车和自主驾驶汽车为研究对象,针对不同的驾驶任务进行用户体验分析。 方法 利用语义分析法获取用户认知信息,将用户口语报告编码后进行定量分析。 结果 得出在主驾驶任务中,自主驾驶汽车用户体验高于无人驾驶汽车,而在次级驾驶任务中,无人驾驶汽车用户体验优于自主驾驶汽车。 结论 在进行主驾驶任务中,用户对自己驾驶操作更加拥有信心,而对无人驾驶汽车存在明显的不信任感。人们在自主驾驶汽车的同时打电话、听音乐或操控导航,会分散注意力从而影响驾驶操作,导致无法安心驾驶,影响生命安全;而在驾驶无人车时,人们通常觉得可以放心操作次级任务而不会影响驾驶安全,从而拥有良好的用户体验。
      The study researches the automatic cars and driverless cars, and analyzes the user experience in line with the different driving tasks. The information of user awareness could be achieved by means of semantic analysis, and then quantitative analysis was carried out as soon as the verbal report of users was coded. In primary driving tasks, the user experience of self-driving car was superior to the one of driverless cars. However, in secondary driving tasks, the user experience of driverless cars was better than the one of automatic cars. Users operations in primary driving task gain confidences to themselves, and the distrusts of unmanned car is obvious. People often use mobile phone, listen to music, or manipulate the GPS while driving a car, which would be distractions to affect driving operation and it will lead to the situation that the driver can′ t drive in peace and affect the safety of life. However, under unmanned driving mode, people usually feel safe operation of secondary task without affecting driving safety, thus it always has good user experience.
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