徐娟芳.面向 80 后的智能床设计策略[J].包装工程,2016,37(14):105-108.
面向 80 后的智能床设计策略
Design Strategy for Smart Bed for the Generation after 80s
投稿时间:2016-03-05  修订日期:2016-07-20
中文关键词: 智能床  80 后  行为分析  用户旅程  设计策略
英文关键词: smart bed  generation after 80s  behavior analysis  user journey map  design strategies
基金项目:2015 年教育部人文社科青年基金(15YJC760107) ;江苏省教育厅高校哲社项目(2014SJD353) ;江南大学产品创意与文化研究中心基地自主立项课题(14JDQ002)
徐娟芳 江南大学无锡 214122 
      目的 对 25~35 岁使用人群的智能床设计原则与设计策略进行研究,使产品顺应人的生活方式和行为习惯,为智能产品与传统家居产品的结合提供思路。 方法 通过用户旅程图、接触点分析以及问卷访谈等进行行为和需求分析,结合用户体验设计、交互设计理论与方法,形成以 80 后用户群体为目标的智能床设计原则和设计策略。 结论 通过深入的用户分析,得到智能床的设计原则和设计策略,能够为这种新兴的产品设计提供基本的参考,便于用户更快更好地接受和使用产品。
      Research is carried out on design principles and strategies for users of 25~35 years old on smart bed in order to make the products conform to people's lifestyles and behavior and provide ideas for the combination of smart products and traditional household products. Design principles and strategies of smart bed aimed at the users of the generation after 80s were summarized by analyzing user’s behavior and needs through user′ s journey map, touch points analysis and questionnaires and combined with the theory and methods of user experience design and interactive design. The design principles and strategies concluded by deep user analysis can be the basic reference of the new product design and will help users accept and use the products faster and better.
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