Practical Exploration of Art Works Based on Nanotechnology
投稿时间:2016-04-18  修订日期:2016-09-20
中文关键词: 纳米艺术  纳米光刻技术  碳纳米管生长技术  图案设计创作
英文关键词: Nanoart  nano-lithography  carbon nanotube growth technology  pattern design
苏葵 武汉理工大学武汉 430070 
王蕊 武汉理工大学武汉 430070 
罗薇 武汉理工大学武汉 430070 
晏梦雨 武汉理工大学武汉 430070 
张榉文 复旦大学上海 200433 
      目的 纳米科技作为 21 世纪最重要的科技产业革命之一,其研究成果被广泛应用于各个领域,给人们的生活带来巨变。在纳米科技飞速发展的今天,艺术似乎也正在迈入一个崭新的时期,科学与艺术的交融与碰撞使得它们在各自的领域里不断的创新与突破。有理由相信,以纳米科技之壤滋养艺术之苗,将会结出丰硕的果实。 方法 主要以基于纳米光刻技术和碳纳米管生长技术的微观图案设计创作实践为例,探索利用纳米技术来进行图案设计创作的可能性,并进一步探讨了这种“捉光代笔”的创作方式的意义与价值。 结论 将纳米技术视作全新的图案设计创作方式,运用崭新的创作思维去表现更加广阔的主题与情感,利用科学的新技术、新材料来实现艺术自身的创新与当代发展。
      Nanotechnology is one of the most important revolution in science and technology in the 21st century. It has been widely applied in various fields, bringing great changes to human life. With the rapid development of nanotechnology, art is entering a new era as well. The blending and collision of science and art generates constant innovations and breakthroughs in their respective fields. It is reasonable to believe that nourishing the seeds of art with the soil of nanotechnology would harvest abundant fruits. Taking the artistic creation based on nano-lithography and carbon nanotube growth technology as an example, it explores the possibility of artistic creation by using nanotechnology. The significance of "catch the light as painting brush" in artistic creation is also discussed. In this article, nanotechnology has been considered as a brand new way for artistic creation. This new creative strategy is used to express broader theme and emotion. New technologies and materials are applied to realize the innovation and development of art.
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