谭坤,吕悦宁.基于微信平台的 H5 广告设计策略分析[J].包装工程,2016,37(20):198-202.
基于微信平台的 H5 广告设计策略分析
Analysis of H5 Advertising Design Strategy Based on Wechat Platform
投稿时间:2016-07-08  修订日期:2016-10-20
中文关键词: H5 广告  用户体验  参与感  用户情感
英文关键词: H5 advertising  user experience  sense of participation  users emotions
谭坤 北京电子科技职业学院北京 100176 
吕悦宁 北京电子科技职业学院北京 100176 
      目的 对基于微信传播的 H5 广告设计策略进行分析,力图为 H5 广告设计师和企业品牌传播提供借鉴。 方法 列举了 4 种常见的 H5 广告类型,从 H5 广告的营销目标与页面形式出发,结合设计案例进行分析,探讨有效的 H5 广告设计策略。 结论 H5 广告中的交互元素可增加用户粘度,故事主线的置入可引发用户的情感共鸣,助力品牌的传播,激励用户参与广告传播可强化品牌感知,合理运用技术实现流畅的交互体验,可促进品牌形象的提升。
      It aims to analyze H5 advertising design strategy Based on WeChat communication, It seeks to provide a reference for H5 advertising designer and corporate brand communication. It lists four common advertising types H5, from a marketing objectives and advertising pages in the form of H5 departure. Combined with design case analysis, it discusses effective H5 advertising design strategy. Interactive elements in H5 advertising can increase user viscosity, the main line of the story into the user's emotional resonance for help brand communication, encourage users to participate in advertising communication can strengthen brand awareness, rational use of technology to achieve a smooth interactive experience, which can promote the promotion of brand image.
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