Inquiry into Machinery Enterprises Products Webpage Design Guided by User Satisfaction Improvement
投稿时间:2016-09-07  修订日期:2017-02-20
中文关键词: 机械外观展示  网页设计  信息架构  交互设计  用户反馈
英文关键词: machine display  webpage design  information architecture  user experience  user feedback
李畅 太原理工大学太原 030024 
任家骏 太原理工大学太原 030024 
李爱峰 太原重工股份有限公司技术中心太原030024 
李冉儿 太原理工大学太原 030024 
      目的 以提升用户满意度为导向研究工程机械企业产品展示的网页设计方法,并将其应用在实例设计中,为同行业企业网站改版设计提供参考。方法 通过对比研究国内外工程机械企业产品外观展示页面的优缺点,采用问卷调查的形式了解用户需求,从信息架构、交互设计与视觉设计等方面,针对机械企业产品外观展示网页的设计方法进行分析,将研究结果运用到具体实践中。结论 针对工程机械企业网站的特点提出信息架构三要素,强调视觉层级的重要性并通过线框图进行网页初稿设计;增加用户引导与合理交互动效;采用扁平化设计风格,强调色彩对于品牌识别的重要性,提出网页配色原则;通过实际内测结果分析用户反馈,证明该方案的可行性。
      It aims to explore the webpage design methods of machinery enterprises products guided by user satisfaction improvement, and apply the result to the real design case, while provide a reference for the other enterprises to redesign the website. By researching the out comings and drawbacks of the mining industry products display webpage from China and other foreign countries, and surveying users needs by giving them questionnaires, it analyzes the design method of machinery enterprises products webpage from three aspects: information architecture, user experience and visual design, and meanwhile uses the result to design the web-page. First, we come out with the three key words that are useful in the information architecture design, and also emphasis the importance of the visual hierarchy, at the mean time, we come out the demo of the web page by using wireframe. Second, we add user guide and feedback parts to the page, and add reasonable interaction effects, which match the corporate image well. Third, we use flat design as our basic style, and underline the importance of the color to the brand identity; meanwhile we put forward the color principle in the web page. At last, we demonstrate the feasibility of our program by analyzing users' feedback.
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