The Affective Interaction Design in Mobile Social Applications Based on Strong and Weak Ties
投稿时间:2017-03-24  修订日期:2017-07-20
中文关键词: 弱连接理论  移动社交类APP  情感化  交互设计  信息设计
英文关键词: weak ties theory  mobile social applications  emotional  interaction design  information design
覃京燕 北京科技大学 机械工程学院北京 100083 
续爽 北京科技大学 机械工程学院北京 100083 
      目的 针对现有的社交类APP的交互设计原则和用户体验研究成果,从形式层面、内容层面以及行为层面的情感交互设计出发,研究基于强弱连接的社交类APP的设计方法。方法 对比分析国内以强弱连接为出发点的社交类APP产品设计的情感交互层面,运用调查问卷的方法获取用户需求,建立以用户为中心的,以情感为导向的社交类APP产品设计。结论 在形式层面上,将不同形式的动态交互设计以及符合下意识的温馨反馈机制融入形式层面,提升用户的情感感受;在内容层面上,加入符合用户情景需求的用户自生产内容和图形化视觉语言的信息运用,减少用户因失联而带来的孤独感,让用户在交互过程中感受到产品的情感和气质;在行为层面上,引入具有企业特征的形象和传统的Emoji表情结合的创意网络表情符号设计,既节约用户挑选时间,又增加用户和企业形象之间的情感互动,提升用户的情感体验,满足多维、多向度、多视角、多种表达方式、多路径转化的强弱社交关系的情感交互需求。
      From the three aspects of form, content and behavior in affective interaction design, it aims to study the design principles and user experience of mobile social applications based on strong and weak ties. Based on the strong and weak ties, it makes the comparative analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of affective interaction design on mobile social applications. Then the questionnaire is used to survey the user's needs to build a user-centric, emotional mobile social applications. On form of affective interaction design, the dynamic interaction design and feedback of unconscious behavior is added to enhance user's emotional feeling. On content, user contextualization self-generated-information and graphic visual language is added, the user's loneliness due to loss of sense is reduced. Users are allowed to feel the product's emotion and temperament. On behavior, using combinative emoticons with corporate image and tradition Emoji emoticons to save user's time, can increase the emotional interaction between the user and the corporate, and enhance the user's emotional experience, and support strong tie and weak tie emotional design transformation to beyond the multi-dimension, multi-sense, multi-channel and multi-interaction usability and user experience.
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