Relevance between Image Cognition of Vehicles Types and Side Outline Styling Features
投稿时间:2017-05-30  修订日期:2017-10-20
中文关键词: 侧轮廓  意象认知  车型  SD法  形态对比
英文关键词: side outline  image recognition  vehicles types  SD  morphological contrast
倪子恒 江苏大学镇江 212013 
卢章平 江苏大学镇江 212013 
杨华春 江苏科技大学镇江 212013 
李明珠 江苏大学镇江 212013 
      目的 基于感性工学(KE)原理与方法,以各车型侧轮廓为对象,研究意象认知与车型造型要素的关联性,比较并分析在意象差异下所对应各车型侧轮廓的关键造型特征。方法 选取目前市场的15款典型车型为研究样本,收集并筛选获取代表性感性意象词汇,结合语义差分法(SD法)与形态分析法,利用贝塞尔曲线对车身侧轮廓进行了简化并提取其造型特征线,在构建车身侧轮廓评价参考模型基础上,对样本侧轮廓进行直接与间接的量化分析。结论 综合语义差分法(SD法)与形态对比分析法,提取影响车型意象定位的关键造型特征,获取用户针对不同车型在侧轮廓特征上的识别程度等级,构建车型侧轮廓特征—感性意象的关联模型,辅助汽车车型造型设计与研究,提高车型造型与用户感性需求间的匹配度。
      Based on kansei engineering (KE) principles and methods, it aims to study the relevance between image cognition and styling elements through the various models side outline, compare and analyze the key styling features corresponding to the various models side outline in the image difference. It selected 15 representative models of Mercedes-Benz for sale as the research sample, collected and screened for typical emotional image vocabulary, combined with the semantic difference method (SD) and morphological analysis, using bezier curve simplified vehicle side outline and extract modeling feature line. The quantitative analysis of side outline of sample is made directly and indirectly based on intermediate evaluation model of the models side outline. Based on comprehensive SD method and morphological comparison, the key styling features with impact on image positioning is extracted to get the user's recognition degree level according to different models on the side outline feature, build correspondence between the feature of models side outline and emotional image, auxiliary car modeling design and research, improve the compatibility between the car modeling and the user perceptual demand.
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