Application of Wearable Product Interactive Based on Pervasive Computing
投稿时间:2017-09-21  修订日期:2018-01-20
中文关键词: 普适计算  穿戴产品  交互应用
英文关键词: pervasive computing  wearable products  interactive application
刘严 武汉理工大学武汉 300222 
郑杨硕 武汉理工大学武汉 300222 
      目的 针对信息时代穿戴产品具有的数字化功能特征,基于物联网普适计算的控制原理,在穿戴产品设计中植入具备普适计算能力的先进制造,弥补传统穿戴产品在实现用户体验模式上的功能性和交互方式创新性的不足。方法 对基于普适计算穿戴产品设计的时代背景进行阐述,从交互设计的角度,分别对增强现实交互、情感交互和叙事交互3个层面进行分析,详细论述普适计算在实现信息时代用户体验中的差异化、个性化和定制化需求穿戴产品设计的交互应用。结论 面向未来的穿戴产品设计融合普适计算的交互模式创新,在视觉层面满足用户对于物理现实空间的虚拟增强体验;在情感层面根据青少年的行为特点和心理特点,全天候值守并与家长进行及时反馈和联系;在叙事层面能够帮助用户分析膳食搭配问题的原因并提出合理、有效的建议,有助于用户对于自我保健的认知与学习,提升良好的用户体验感。
      According to the wearable product which has the function of the digital information age characteristics, based on the internet of things the control principle of pervasive computing, we have implanted advanced manufacturing with pervasive computing capabilities in the wearable product design, making up for the lack of functionality and interaction mode of traditional wearable products in realizing user experience mode. Based on pervasive computing apparel product design elaborates the time background, from the angle of interaction design of augmented reality interactive narrative interaction, emotional interaction and three levels are analyzed, and the pervasive computing is discussed in detail in the era of information the user experience in the differentiation, personalization and customization requirements of apparel product design interactive applications. The interactive mode innovation of future-oriented wearable product design is designed to meet users' virtual enhancement experience of physical reality space at the visual level. On the emotional level, based on the characteristics and psychological characteristics of the adolescents, the all-weather duty and the parents timely feedback and contact is made. In narrative level can help users analyze dietary collocation which is the cause of the problem and put forward reasonable and effective suggestions and helps users for self-care cognition and learning, promote good user experience.
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