朱蓉,吴尧.苏格兰国家矿业博物馆的空间叙事性设计[J].包装工程,2018,39(4):19-22. |
苏格兰国家矿业博物馆的空间叙事性设计 |
Spatial Narrative Design of National Mining Museum Scotland |
投稿时间:2017-12-09 修订日期:2018-02-20 |
DOI:10.19554/j.cnki.1001-3563.2018.04.005 |
中文关键词: 工业遗产 博物馆 空间叙事 |
英文关键词: industrial heritage museum spatial narrative |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(51408265,51278228);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(JUSRP1605XNC);江苏省教育厅高校优秀中青年教师境外研修项目 |
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中文摘要: |
目的 研究工业遗产博物馆在空间改造与更新中所采用的叙事性设计方法和策略。方法 将文学中的基本概念叙事性,以全新的视角,引入以地区或历史建筑的产业历史作为主题的工业遗产博物馆艺术及建筑环境设计表达之中,通过室内外工业景观、工业流程、历史物品等展开叙事,同时整合游览路线、室内展陈设计、新技术媒介性,来营造空间叙事情境,使参观者充分体验历史遗迹的真实感。结论 通过介绍苏格兰国家矿业博物馆设计的代表性实例,从室外景观、陈列设计、行为叙事等角度,分析探讨了如何在工业遗产博物馆保护与更新设计中,通过空间叙事性手法来对历史空间内容进行整合与诠释,使参观者产生深度记忆体验的可行性与发展方式,以期为我国工业遗产博物馆发展工作提供具有启发性的实践思路。 |
英文摘要: |
The narrative design methods and strategies are explored in the industrial heritage museum renovation and revitalization. From a new perspective, the basic literature concept of narrative is introduced into the art and architectural environment representation of industrial heritage museum with regional or historic building history. Through the industrial landscape indoor and outdoor, industrial process and historic items, combined with the visiting circuit, interior display and new technology media, the spatial narrative context is created to make visitors full experience on historic sites. Taking National Mining Museum Scotland as a case study, it analyzes how to interpret the historic space using spatial narrative design strategy from the perspective of exterior landscape, exhibition display, behavior narration in the preservation and renewal on industrial heritage. It also explores the ways to make visitors having deeper memory and experience, so as to provide good references for further industrial heritage museum development in China. |
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