The Value and Significance of Design Method of Sensory
投稿时间:2017-12-29  修订日期:2018-03-20
中文关键词: 设计方法  悦目动心  符号意味  直觉创造
英文关键词: design method  charming form  significance of symbol  intuition invention
张学忠 西北师范大学 美术学院兰州 730070 
陈国文 西北师范大学 敦煌学院敦煌 736200 
      目的 感性直觉方法在设计实践中是常见的一种思维方法,但相关的理论研究相对薄弱。在强调现代设计的理性精神和方法的同时,也要认识到感性设计方法的合理性及其价值,明确感性设计方法是理性设计方法的有益补充。旨在探究感性设计方法价值和意义的具体所指。方法 以情感体验、直觉感受的艺术设计方法论和设计符号学与产品语义学的视觉文化设计方法论,对感性设计思维方法特征进行梳理,以悦目动心的设计、有意味的形式、创造的进化3个角度与理性设计思维方法的差异进行分析研究。结论 感性设计思维与理性设计思维两者之间是此消彼长的对应互补关系;感性设计方法是历史悠久的设计方法,并依然被许多设计师推崇;感性设计方法在“感性消费时代”、“创感时代”以及营造“艺术化生存”方面具有积极意义和价值。
      The perceptual intuition method is a common way of thinking in the design practice, but the related theoretical research is relatively weak. While emphasizing the rational spirit and method of modern design, we must also recognize the value of perceptual design method, and make clear that perceptual design is a beneficial supplement of rational design method. It aims to explore perceptual design method value and the specific meaning. The characteristics of perceptual design thinking method are combed by the art design method based on emotional experience and intuition feeling and visual culture design method based on product semantics. The differences among 3 angle and rational design thinking methods such as charming design, meaningful form and creative evolution are analyzed. Between perceptual design thinking and rational design thinking is the corresponding complementary relationship. Perceptual design method is a design method that has a long history, and is still admired by many fashion designers. Perceptual design method has a positive meaning and value in the "perceptual consumption era" and "creating a sense of the times" and "art of living".
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