Empty Nest Elderly's Life Quality and Pension Intention in Baotou
投稿时间:2017-12-11  修订日期:2018-03-20
中文关键词: 空巢老人  生活质量  养老意愿  社会化居家养老服务
英文关键词: empty nest elderly  life quality  pension intention  social home-caring supporting services
苗秀 内蒙古科技大学包头 014010 
韩冬楠 内蒙古科技大学包头 014010 
王腾 内蒙古科技大学包头 014010 
张博 内蒙古科技大学包头 014010 
      目的 探寻更合理的养老方式,以帮助空巢老人实现自主、自立和自尊的养老。方法 通过半结构化的定性深度访谈和定量的问卷调查方法,利用统计学软件SPSS19.0进行数据分析、交叉列联分析和相关性分析,探索包头市空巢老人生理状况、心理健康水平、社会特征、社会支持和养老意愿情况,挖掘空巢老人心理健康的影响因素、社会支持的主要来源、对社会助力养老的态度,探索更为空巢老人所接受的新型养老方式。结论 若干内部因素和外部因素共同作用,使空巢老人养老意愿和生活质量水平有显著差异,空巢老人的心理健康水平显著偏低;社会关怀逐渐构成空巢老人社会支持来源的主体,老龄社会的建设需要从建筑的开放性、社区的服务性和邻里的互助性等方面实施改革;对于包头市空巢老人在宅养老和结伴养老的养老意愿和趋势,则需要社会化居家养老配套服务建设的跟进。
      It aims to explore a more reasonable pension pattern to help the empty nest elderly realizing their self-care, self-reliance and self-esteem pension. Through semi-structured qualitative interview, questionnaire survey, big data analysis, cross-column analysis and correlation analysis, it explores the empty nest elderly's current physical and psychological status, social features, social support and pension intention, studies the factors affecting metal health factors, major sources on social support,attitudes towards social support and trends in pension pattern. Internal and external factors have a significant impact on the quality of life and pension intention and the mental health level of the empty nest elderly is significantly lower than that of the non-empty nesters. Social care is gradually becoming the main source of social support for empty nest elderly. The construction of aging society needs to be reformed from aspects of openness of architecture, service of community and mutual assistance of neighborhood. For the empty nest elderly's home-caring pension and pension in pairs in Baotou city, we need to follow-up social home-caring supporting services system construction.
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