Design Elements of Electric Car Interior Based on Perception of Science and Technology Feeling
投稿时间:2017-02-16  修订日期:2018-05-20
中文关键词: 科技感  感知意象  设计要素  意象认知
英文关键词: science and technology feeling  perceived image  design elements  image cognition
雷雯雯 湖南大学 汽车车身先进设计制造国家重点实验室长沙 410082 
赵丹华 湖南大学 设计艺术学院长沙 410082 
赵江洪 湖南大学 设计艺术学院长沙 410082 
      目的 确定电动汽车内饰设计要素与科技感的关系,获取与科技感风格意象关联度较高的感性词汇,将研究成果应用于实际案例设计中。方法 构建内饰科技感的意象认知层次模型,以量产车和概念车内饰为对象,以统计问卷调查的频数均值作为方法,获取设计要素、类型要素与科技感的关联度及科技感语义特征关联词汇,并探讨这种关联关系和关联词汇的设计应用意义。结论 为电动汽车内饰科技风格主题设计和评价提供依据和支持。设计要素与科技感以及意象关联词汇的研究表明,风格要素是关联科技感的关键,关联内饰科技感要素层级中,风格要素高于品质感要素,品质感要素高于功能要素;词汇统计结果表明,科技感意象认知语汇为简洁、炫酷、未来感和智能;对于量产车和概念车,内饰科技感的设计要素及其关联度存在差异。
      To determine the relationship between the design elements of electric car interior design and science and technology feeling, to obtain the emotional vocabulary with a high degree of relevance of science and technology feeling, and apply the research results to the actual case design. This paper uses the frequency mean of the questionnaire as the method to obtain the correlation between design elements, type elements and science and technology feeling, and acquire the semantic words related to science and technology feeling, and to explore the design application meaning of this relationship and related vocabulary. To provide support for the theme design and evaluation of science and technology feeling of the electric car interior. The research of elements design, science and technology feeling and related vocabulary shows that the style elements are the key to relate to science and technology feeling, in level relationship of type elements, style elements are higher than quality elements, quality elements are higher than functional elements; the research result of related vocabulary is concise, cool, future and intelligent; for the production car and concept car, design elements of science and technology feeling of the interior and their relevance there are differences.
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