Regional Aesthetic and Expression of Modern Packaging Design of Puer Tea
投稿时间:2018-03-17  修订日期:2018-06-20
中文关键词: 普洱茶  包装设计  地域美学
英文关键词: puer tea  packaging design  regional aesthetic
黄绮璘 大理大学大理 671003 
      目的 普洱茶作为一种地方茶,其包装设计以独特的地域美学特征在庞大的中国茶叶包装市场中独树一帜,对现代普洱茶包装设计的美学特征和表现手法进行研究,对普洱茶包装设计的创新和文化内涵的挖掘具有指导意义。方法 采用案例分析法从包装材料、结构形态、视觉设计语言等包装设计要素,对大量普洱茶包装设计案例进行分析梳理总结。结论 通过对现代普洱茶包装设计中的茶文化、茶历史、地域景观情境体验、少数民族地域人文等民族文化语境中的地域美学特征及其艺术设计表现形式进行分析解读,指出在进行普洱茶包装设计时应植根于普洱茶地方文化情境,强调茶叶地域文化信息的传递,同时思考现代生活方式和饮茶文化的更迭,在保留传统地域文化特征的同时不断创新进步。
      As a kind of local tea, the packaging design of Puer tea with its unique regional aesthetic characteristics has a unique position in the huge Chinese tea packaging market. The study on the aesthetic characteristics and expression of modern Puer tea packaging design will be instructive in the innovation and cultural connotation of the packaging design of Puer tea. By using the case study method, from the angle of packaging design elements such as packaging material, structure form, visual design language, many Puer tea packaging design cases are analyzed and summarized. By analyzing the regional aesthetics characteristics and artistic design manifestation from the national cultural context, such as tea culture, tea history, regional landscape situation experience, minority nationality region humanities of the modern Puer tea packaging design, it points out that the Puer Tea packaging design should be rooted in the Puer Tea local cultural context, emphasize the transmission tea information of regional culture, and thinking of modern lifestyle and tea culture change, while retaining the traditional geographical and cultural characteristics of the continuous innovation and progress.
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