Design Culture of Traditional Logo in Modern Logo Design
投稿时间:2018-03-12  修订日期:2018-07-20
中文关键词: 标志设计  传统图案  造型审美
英文关键词: logo design  traditional design  modeling aesthetics
方超 三亚学院三亚 572000 
      目的 探究传统图案在现代标志设计中的融合与创新。方法 从传统图案的概念界定出发,结合凤纹、龙纹、祥云等传统图案的审美意趣,探讨其在现代标志设计中丰富设计语言、传承传统文化、满足人们的文化消费需求等方面的应用价值,然后从造型审美、形象运用、意境体现 3 方面详细探讨传统图案在现代标志设计中的应用方式,并列举一些具有代表性的设计实例,进一步探寻其中的设计思路及其所取得的设计价值与社会影响,最后以此为基础,探索更大意义上的创新与发展。结论 将优秀的传统图案融入现代标志设计中,通过学习、借鉴其中的精华元素,创新其形式及外延,能够实现传统与现代的成功嫁接,赋予传统文化新的生命色彩,丰富标志设计的文化内涵。
      It aims to explore the fusion and innovation of traditional patterns in modern logo design. Starting from the definition of traditional pattern, combined with phoenix, dragon grain, auspicious clouds pattern of traditional aesthetic interest, its application value in modern logo design is discussed, which enriches design language, inherits traditional culture and satisfies people's cultural consumption demand. Then it discusses the application formula of traditional pattern in modern logo design from three aspects of styling aesthetic, image application and artistic conception, and lists some representative designs. An example is made to further explore the design ideas and the design value and social impact that they have achieved, and finally, on the basis of this, more significant innovation and development are explored. Excellent traditional pattern can be incorporated into modern logo design, through the study, draw lessons from the essence element, innovation in the form and extension, which can achieve the success of the traditional and modern grafting, give new life color for traditional culture and enrich the cultural connotation of logo design.
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