Sanxingdui Decoration on Today's Graphic Design's Revelation
投稿时间:2018-06-15  修订日期:2018-10-20
中文关键词: 纹饰  美学  工匠精神  图形  创新
英文关键词: decorations  aesthetics  craftsman spirit  graphics  innovation
郑笑仁 四川工商学院成都 611075 
银霞 四川工商学院成都 611075 
谢蔚莉 四川工商学院成都 611075 
      目的 研究三星堆遗址出土文物的外观纹饰。方法 从设计美学特征入手,分析纹饰的对称均衡、变化统一、节奏韵律、装饰美的形式法则,分析了独立纹样、适合纹样、二方四方、边视觉、综合纹样的构成手法。以青铜器花纹钱包、青铜面具饼干、北京奥运会体育图标、太阳神鸟项链、成都天府广场景观等设计举例说明中国传统纹饰图案在设计案例中的巧妙合理运用。结论 论述三星堆纹饰对当今图形创新设计的新启迪:设计师要提升审美修养,促进设计水平,传承与发扬中国的传统文化。要有工匠精神,需要大力原创,需要提升图形设计的文化内涵。总结出图形创新设计需要以形式为美,文化为根,秉持大国工匠精神,不断提高中国图形设计创新的能力,设计出经典传世的作品,服务于人类精神需求和社会经济建设。
      Study the appearance ornamentation of the cultural relics unearthed from sanxingdui site. Based on the aesthetic characteristics of design, this paper analyzes the form rules of symmetrical balance, unified change, rhythm and rhythm, and decorative beauty of ornamentation, and analyzes the composition techniques of independent patterns, suitable patterns, square and square, edge vision and comprehensive patterns. The paper illustrates the ingenious and reasonable use of Chinese traditional decorative patterns in the design cases by taking bronze bronze pattern purse, bronze mask biscuit, Beijing Olympic sports icon, sun god bird necklace and chengdu tianfu square landscape as examples. The article discusses the new enlightenment of sanxingdui decoration to the present graphic innovation design: the designer should improve the aesthetic accomplishment, promote the design level, inherit and carry forward the traditional culture of China. Be a craftsman; It takes a lot of creativity; The cultural connotation of graphic design needs to be improved. It is concluded that graphic innovative design needs to take form as beauty and culture as root, adhere to the spirit of great country craftsman, constantly improve the ability of Chinese graphic design innovation, design classic works, and serve human spiritual needs and social and economic construction.
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