Characteristics of Consumers' Perception of Instrument Panel Form in Passenger Car Interior
投稿时间:2018-11-05  修订日期:2019-01-20
中文关键词: 轿车内饰仪表板造型  消费者认知  知觉图  定量与定性分析
英文关键词: instrument panel form in passenger car interior  consumer's perception  perceptual map  quantitative and quali-tative analyses
刘春荣 上海交通大学上海 200240 
解洋 上海交通大学上海 200240 
      目的 探索消费者对轿车内饰中仪表板总成造型及其设计风格的心理认知特性。方法 邀请34位消费者对97款轿车仪表板造型进行相似性判断实验,以聚类分析、多维尺度分析方法处理实验数据,分别得到消费者对仪表板造型的认知分类和知觉图,并进行知觉图中造型特征分布与变化规律的定性分析。结论 依据消费者造型相似性判断,将97款造型分为8个类别。97款轿车内饰仪表板造型有规律地分布在二维知觉图中,表明消费者对轿车内饰仪表板造型的心理认知空间具有两个明显的维度性,可将其归纳为整体造型特征维度以及功能性分区造型特征维度。前者反映在造型中整体面的分割、仪表板的总体比例、造型中边线曲直及其转接等设计特征方面;后者表现在中控台造型特征的差异上。此外,对于轿车内饰中方向盘、显示屏等功能性造型,并未在知觉图中发现其造型变化方面的明确分布特点。
      The work aims to explore the characteristics of consumers' perception of instrument panel assembly form in the interior of passenger cars and its design style. 34 consumers were invited to conduct similarity judgment experiments on 97 pas-senger cars' instrument panel(IP) form. Cluster analysis and multi-dimensional scaling were used to process the experimental data to respectively obtain consumers' cognitive classification and perceptual map of IP form, and qualitative analysis of the distribution and variation rules of form features in perceptual map was carried out. According to consumers' form similarity judgment, 97 forms are divided into 8 categories. The 97 IP forms of passenger car interior are regularly distributed in the two-dimensional perceptual map, which show that consumers have two obvious dimensions in the psychological cognitive space of IP form of passenger car interior, which can be summarized into the overall feature and function feature of IP forms. The former is reflected by partitioning and length-to-width ratio of whole IP surface as well as curved or stretched edges and transitions between edges of IP surfaces, while the latter is presented by the difference in console forms. Furthermore, for the functional form of the steering wheel and display screen in the passenger car interior, no clear distribution characteristics of their form changes are found in the perceptual map.
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