Application of Traditional Paper Cutting Patterns in Modern Design
投稿时间:2018-11-12  修订日期:2019-03-20
中文关键词: 剪纸  图案  设计
英文关键词: paper-cut  pattern  design
王宇 绥化学院绥化 152000 
      目的 探寻传统剪纸图案的应用路径及其在现代设计中的独特价值与实践。方法 以中国传统文化为源起,沿历史发展足迹探寻剪纸图案的独特题材与审美,挖掘文化内蕴,将其融于现代艺术设计,总结出化繁为简、古今合璧、呈现意象等具体的应用方法;将视线聚焦在现代设计领域的标志设计、服装设计、招贴设计等方面,通过深入细致的分析,列出全新的设计思路与典型的设计案例,深入探索了剪纸图案未来的发展路径。结论 中国传统剪纸图案形式多样、内容丰富,且蕴含劳动人民在生产生活中的智慧与审美,融入现代设计后能够进一步展现中国传统剪纸图案的特点和形式美法则,体现中国文化的丰厚内蕴,使当前的艺术设计作品在不断国际化的同时凸显民族特色。
      The paper aims to explore the application path of traditional paper-cut patterns and its unique value and practice in modern design. With the Chinese traditional culture as the source, the cultural connotation was explored along the historical development of footprints in the search for a paper-cut design unique theme and aesthetic to dissolve it into modern art design. The paper summarized the change numerous for brief, the combination of ancient and modern, and presented the specific application methods such as image, finally it focused on the field of modern design of the logo design, costume design, poster design, etc., carried out a detailed analysis, and listed the brand-new design idea and the design of the typical cases, explored the paper-cut design in the future path of development. The traditional Chinese paper-cut patterns has various forms, rich content, and contain the wisdom and aesthetic of hard working people in production and living. After being fully integrated into the modern design, they can further reveal the characteristics and aesthetic principles of the traditional Chinese paper-cut patterns, reflect rich connotations of Chinese culture, and highlight national characteristics of in current international development of art and design.
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