Game User Experience Measurement Method Based on CV
投稿时间:2018-12-21  修订日期:2019-04-20
中文关键词: 游戏  用户投入量表  眼动  用户体验度量  变异系数
英文关键词: games  user engagement scale  eye tracking  user experience measurement  coefficient of variability
李晓娟 南开大学天津 300071 
涂俊 南开大学天津 300071 
章灏 南开大学天津 300071 
      目的 对角色扮演游戏过程中被试的行为进行分析。探索和建立一种符合不同需求的游戏用户体验的研究方法,为角色扮演游戏设计和评价提供客观依据。方法 通过预实验确定具体研究内容,通过眼动技术研究游戏提示的可用性。采用基于行为观察和自我报告的度量研究方法,通过新手—专家范式对实验结果进行分析。眼动数据结果基本符合大众认知,同时也受游戏设置的影响。对于游戏的评价很大程度上受游戏的战斗效果和难易度设置影响。变异系数反映了被试组内和组间的差异,新手与专家间表现的差异,反映了游戏的难度特征及游戏本身特性。结论 利用变异系数研究新手组和专家组在游戏中的不同表现,可以综合体现难易度和用户表现之间的关系。
      The paper aims to analyze the user’s behavior of subjects in the role playing game (RPG), explore and establish a research method of game user experience that meets different needs, so as to provide an objective basis for design and evaluation of RPG. The specific content of the study was determined through pre-experiment. The usability of the game cue was studied through the eye-track technology. The experimental result was analyzed through novice - expert paradigm based on behavior observation and self–report. The eye-track data were basically consistent with the public cognition, but were also influenced by the game design itself. Evaluation on a game was largely influenced by the game's combat effect and difficulty setting effect. CV (coefficient of variability) was a good reflection of the differences between group and the differences in group. The difference between the novice and the expert reflects the difficulty level characteristics and other design characteristics of the game. Studying different behaviors of expert group and novice group in the game through CV can reflect the relationship between the difficulty level and user performance.
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