Comparative Analysis of Four Major Color Systems
投稿时间:2018-12-14  修订日期:2019-04-20
中文关键词: 奥斯特瓦德色彩体系  孟塞尔色彩体系  NCS色彩体系  PCCS色彩体系  色立体  对比分析
英文关键词: Ostwald system  Munsell color system  NCS  PCCS  color space  comparative analysis
黄茜 湖南大学长沙 410000 
陈飞虎 湖南大学长沙 410000 
      目的 通过对比奥斯特瓦德色彩体系、孟塞尔色彩体系、NCS色彩体系、PCCS色彩体系的创立背景、架构逻辑,观察人类色彩学科的成长历程;分析各体系的优点和适用领域,为色彩工作者在选择色彩体系工具时,提供清晰有据的参考。方法 运用文献资料采集法、逻辑分析法、对比研究法,使用图示语言,梳理四大体系的联系和区别。结论 科学有效的色彩体系的创建在色彩学科中具有标志性的意义。四大色彩体系在创建目的和色彩模型上有所区别。通过对比分析,奥斯瓦尔德色彩体系创始之初为色彩工作者提供了便利,目前实际运用较少选择;孟塞尔色彩体系主要运用于学术界色彩现象和技术分析及工业产业制造;NCS色彩体系已成为数个国家的国家色彩标准,在产品色彩上优势明显;PCCS色彩体系在色彩教育、时尚形象设计、色彩设计等相关领域以直观快捷的配色法取胜。
      The paper aims to compare the Ostwald color system, Munsell color system, NCS (Natural color system), PCCS (Practical Color co-ordinate System) in creating background, logic thoughts, the developing process of color disciplines in Chromatic, to analyze the strength and applicable fields of each system, and to provide clear and informative references for color workers choosing color tools. Methods such as literature data collection, logic analysis, comparative research and the graphic language were used to analyze the relations and differences of the four systems. The creation of a scientific and effective color system has a symbolic significance in Chromatic. These four systems differ in purposes and logic thoughts. According to the comparative analysis, the Oswald color system was originally created for the convenience of color workers and is rarely used now. The Munsell color system is mainly used in the academic color phenomena and technical analysis, as well as industry manufacturing design. The NCS has the obvious advantages in product color and is the standard national color principles of many countries. The PCCS is favored in fields such as color education, fashion color image design and some related fields as an intuitive and effective color matching tool.
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