Bai Ju-yi Tea Poetry and Design on Tearoom
投稿时间:2018-12-24  修订日期:2019-05-20
中文关键词: 白居易茶诗  家具设计  茶室家具  营境
英文关键词: Bai Ju-yi tea poetry  furniture design  tea room furniture  creation of artistic conception
林秋丽 华南农业大学广州 510642 
郭琼 华南农业大学广州 510642 
      目的 白居易是唐代第一个大量引茶入诗的诗人,其茶诗蕴涵丰富的文化内涵和优美的意境,探索白居易茶诗意境,挖掘出其文化内涵和背后的营境规律,是对现代茶室家具及其空间设计的一种新思路探究。方法 将白居易茶诗作为研究对象,分析茶诗形成的条件和特点,将具体茶诗意象分析总结探寻规律,得到茶诗意境组合方式为3种,分别是“形容词+名词”、“动词+名词”和“名词+名词”的组合方式。在此基础上结合茶诗中的色彩,形成设计方法,最后进行茶室家具和空间的设计实践。结论 茶诗是茶文化的精髓,白居易茶诗数量众多,可作为研究茶文化的样本,也有益于探究寻找茶诗意境规律。将白居易茶诗意境运用到茶家具及空间设计中,是对茶文化的探索,也是茶家具及空间设计回归传统文化的尝试。
      Bai Ju-yi was the first poet in the Tang Dynasty to introduce tea into many poems. His tea poem contains rich cultural connotation and beautiful artistic conception. Exploring the tea poetic mood of Bai Ju-yi and discovering its cultural connotation and the rules of the environment behind it is a new design approach of modern tearooms' furniture and space. With Bai Juyi's tea poetry as the object of study, from the poet's point of view, the conditions for the formation of tea poetry and the characteristics of tea poetry as well as its rule were analyzed. The specific tea poetic imagery was analyzed and summed up to obtain three poetic combination approaches which were "adjective and noun", "verb and noun", "noun and noun", and combination of the colors of tea poetry to form the design method. Based on this, the tea room furniture and space were designed. Tea poetry is the essence of tea culture. Bai Ju-yi's tea poetry in a large number can be used to study tea culture, and it is also benefit to explore the artistic conception of tea poetry. Using Bai Ju-yi tea's poetic conception in tea furniture and space design is an exploration of tea culture and an attempt to return to traditional culture in tea furniture and space design.
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