Comparison of Preferences and Operational Efficiency of Different Ages on Interface Design Styles
投稿时间:2019-04-01  修订日期:2019-08-20
中文关键词: 用户  年龄  界面设计风格  美感  效率
英文关键词: user  age  interface design style  aesthetic perception, efficiency
苟锐 西南交通大学成都 611756 
傅德天 西南交通大学成都 611756 
莫宇凡 西南交通大学成都 611756 
      目的 手机APP已成为人们生活中的重要工具,APP每个构成部分都直接影响着用户的体验,而界面是人机交互中最重要也最直接的信息交流载体。影响界面的设计因素很多,其中设计风格和形式美感是较为重要的因素,但是不同年龄群体对此有各自的偏好,并且界面风格的审美偏好与操作效率可能存在关联关系,对于设计师而言,了解这些差异性与关联性是重要的,这也是本文的研究目的。方法 通过招募30位不同年龄段的用户,让他们对5种常见的手机APP界面设计风格进行美感主观评分,以及设定任务并统计其操作时间,然后对主观评价与客观操作进行比较分析。结论 发现不同年龄群体对APP界面风格有审美偏好的差异,并且审美偏好与操作效率存在相关性,这种相关性在相对年轻的群体中更为明显,特别是15~30岁年龄组中,界面美感的偏好与实际操作效率有显著相关性。
      APP software has become an important tool in people's lives. Each component of APP directly affects the user's experience, but the interface is the most important for human-computer interaction. There are many design factors affecting the interface, including design style and form aesthetics factors. Actually, different age groups have their own preferences, and the aesthetic preference may be related to the operational efficiency. For designers, it is important to understand these differences and relevance. This is also the purpose of this paper. This research recruited 30 users of different ages, allowed them to subjectively aesthetically score five common mobile APP interface design styles, and set tasks to count operation time to compare and analyze subjective evaluation and objective operation. The research finds that different age groups have different aesthetic preferences for interface style, and there is a correlation between aesthetic preference and operational efficiency. This correlation is more obvious in young groups, especially in the 15-30 age group. There is a significant correlation between preferences and actual operational efficiency.
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