Blank-leaving in Advertisement from a Semiotic Perspective
投稿时间:2019-07-19  修订日期:2019-10-20
中文关键词: 广告  空符号  留白
英文关键词: advertisement  zero sign  blank-leaving
汤文莉 四川大学成都 610065 
胡易容 四川大学成都 610065 
      目的 基于符号学中空符号的概念,通过分析广告中的留白,探讨广告中留白的概念、意义及适用性。方法 通过对符号学中空符号这一概念进行分析,找出其与广告中留白的关系,并在此基础上探寻空符号在广告学中的应用。以无印良品、宝马汽车、拈花湾等品牌的广告为例,分析适合应用留白这一设计手法的广告类型,探讨如何在广告中运用留白能达到“以无胜有”的作用。结论 广告中的留白可被看作携带着意义的空符号,作为空符号的留白被应用于简洁、表意直接、风格自然、意境深远的广告时能发挥出以少胜多、返璞归真、充满禅意的作用,同时也使“人”与“物”的互动交流衍生出脱离“形”与“象”的意义,达到无中生有的效果。
      It aims to explore the definition, meaning and applicability of "blank-leaving" in advertisements based on the concept of zero sign in semiotics. Through analyzing the concept of zero sign in semiotics, the relationship between zero sign and blank-leaving in advertisement was discussed. Based on this, the application of blank-leaving which played the role of zero sign in advertisement was analyzed. Illustrated by the examples of advertisements of MUJI, BMW, and Nianhua Bay, this paper analyzed the types of advertisements that were suitable for applying the design technique of leaving blanks, and discussed how to use it to achieve something out of nothing. The blank-leaving in advertisements can be seen as zero signs carrying meanings. Blank-leaving which plays the role of zero sign is efficiently used when it is applied to the advertisement having concise product design, direct expression, natural style or far-reaching artistic conception. It helps the advertisement to express the meaning of Buddhist mood, returning to nature and winning more with less. Furthermore, it also makes the interaction and communication between "human" and "object" derive from the meaning of “form” and "image" to create meaning from nothing.
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