Ancient Creation Wisdom of Chinese Ship Design
投稿时间:2019-07-17  修订日期:2019-11-20
中文关键词: 船舶设计  楼船  图腾装饰  布局  造物智慧
英文关键词: ship design  ship with several decks  totem decoration  layout  creation wisdom
潘长学 武汉理工大学武汉 430070 
查理 武汉理工大学武汉 430070 
      目的 中国古代船舶在世界造船史上留下了灿烂印记,对中国船舶设计中古代造物智慧的追根溯源可为当代海上船舶设计提供文脉支撑,剖析内在联系和规律,对振兴中国船舶设计具有开示作用。 方法 本文以古船外形、造船思想和技术独创为视角,通过现有文献、图画以及出土文物研究中国古代造船智慧。具体实例分析,“形”之楼船、V形船底、图腾装饰,“用”之布局、停泊设备、可调控设置,“技”之水密舱壁、船尾舵、减摇龙骨。结论 基于中国船舶历史的脉络,探究其横向和纵向的内在联系及发展规律。在“形”、“用”、“技”3个维度下,借鉴古代船舶设计的造物智慧,融合中国人的审美方式和行为习惯,为现代船舶的造型设计、涂装及功能设计提供艺术设计学层面的指引。
      The work aims to trace back the ancient creation wisdom in Chinese ship design to provide context support for contemporary marine ship design, analyze internal relations and laws, and play an instructive role in revitalizing Chi-nese ship design, as Ancient Chinese ships have left a brilliant mark in the history of world shipbuilding. The ancient wisdom of Chinese shipbuilding was studied from the perspective of the shape of ancient ship, shipbuilding mentality and intriguing technology through the existing documents, pictures and unearthed cultural relics. Concrete instance was applied to the following: the "shape" of the ship with several decks, V-shaped bottom, totem decoration; "use" of the layout, mooring equipment, adjustable settings; "technology" of watertight bulkhead, stern rudder and rolling chock. Based on the historical context of Chinese ships, the internal relations and development rules between the horizontal and vertical direc-tions of Chinese ships are explored. Under the three dimensions of "shape", "use" and "technology", artistic design guid-ance is provided for modern ship modeling design, painting and functional design, by means of drawing on the wisdom of ancient ship design, and integrating the aesthetic mode and behavior habits of the Chinese people.
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