Butterfly Effect: When Life Becomes Subject of Design
投稿时间:2020-01-31  修订日期:2020-03-20
中文关键词: 蝴蝶效应  语境  对象  BEV-E生活方式模型  IDR生活方式设计方法
英文关键词: butterfly effect  context  subject  BEV-E Life Model  IDR Life Design Method
辛向阳 1.四川美术学院重庆 4013312.XXY Innovation无锡 214125 
      目的 提出生活方式从设计语境成为设计对象的学术观点;解析生活方式作为设计对象的本体属性;围绕生活方式作为设计对象的学术观点,探索相应的设计方法。方法 通过文献综述寻找生活方式作为设计对象的理论依据;运用叙事探究、哲学抽象和案例分析的方法,解析生活方式本体属性,建构相应的设计方法。结论 行为(Behavior)、环境(Environment)、价值观(Value)是生活方式作为设计对象的三个基本要素:行为是其中较为显性的维度,包括行为内容和行为习惯;环境既包括物理环境,也包括社会和制度环境;价值观一方面是行为决策和环境认知的内因,另一方面其自身也随着经历的成长发生着改变。体验(Experience)作为生活的整体表现或感受,渗透在生活的方方面面,共同构成了生活方式作为设计对象的BEV-E要素模型。生活方式的形成是一个在经历中不断反思、构想和行动的过程,生活方式设计IDR方法,即Initiating(启动)、Developing(养成)和Recognizing(确认),倡导关注过程中由于不确定因素带来的不可预期后果,通过设计引导、环境支持和个体主导的方式,构想和引导向健康生活方式的转型,产生良性蝴蝶效应。
      This paper aims to propose the idea that life can be a subject of design rather than contexts of use; to analyze the nature and attributes of life; to explore approaches for life transformation. Identify theo-retic foundation for proposing life as a subject of design through comparative literature review; use narrative inquiry to explore nature and framework of life and to develop an approach for transforming lives. Behavior (contents and habits), environment (physical and social) and value (as purposes or principles) are three main aspects of life, while experience penetrates them, as the total expression of life process or as feelings of par-ticular life engagements. Together, they form a framework of attributes of life, BEV-E (Behavior-Environment- Value & Experience). Life doesn’t change overnight, but through a constant evolving process of imaging new ways of living, actions of bringing imagination into reality, and reflections of experiences. IDR (Initiating, Developing and Recognition) method proposes a design led, self-driving life transformation, supported by well-planned physical and social environments that aims to promote positive butterfly effects of transformations of lives.
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