Exploration of Pressure and Comfort of Children Sitting in Car Safety Seats
中文关键词: 坐姿  舒适性  压力测试  安全座椅  儿童
英文关键词: sitting posture  comfort  pressure test  car safety seat  children
卢纯福 浙江工业大学杭州 310000 
刘晓萍 浙江工业大学杭州 310000 
唐智川 浙江工业大学杭州 310000 
      目的 探究儿童在乘坐安全座椅时背部与臀部接触区域的舒适性差异,得出背部和臀部的压力舒适区域,为今后的设计提供一定理论基础。方法 招募8名4~8岁的健康儿童作为被试,让被试先后坐在三款儿童安全座椅上,提取压力数据并做舒适性主观测试;计算标准差检验座椅的稳定性,进行配对样本t检验比较座椅间的差异性;绘制压力—舒适性图像验证舒适与不适的区域。结果 在“瞬时”压力测试中C座椅界面压力分配方案最优,与主观测试结果一致(C>B>A)。在“10 min”的压力测试中,B座椅的峰值压力更稳定,A、C座椅无显著差异,与主观测试结果不一致,推测儿童对安全座椅的舒适性判断取决于入座时的第一印象。结论 实验结果表明4~8岁儿童在乘坐不同安全座椅时,材质偏硬、坐面造型平坦的安全座椅对人体的压迫性更强;材质偏软、包裹性强的安全座椅更贴合人机形态,舒适性更高。
      The work aims to explore comfort differences in areas contacting back and buttock when children sit in car safety seats, so as to obtain the pressure and comfort area of back and buttock and provide a theoretical basis for future design. 8 healthy children aged 4 to 8 were recruited as subjects, seating in three kinds of children seats successively to collect pressure data and conduct subjective comfort test. Standard deviations were used to evaluate stability of the seats and paired sample t tests were performed to compare differences between seats. Pressure-comfort images were plotted to verify areas of comfort and discomfort. In an “instantaneous” pressure test, seat C exhibited an optimal pressure distribution profile, which was consistent with the subjective test results (C>B>A). In a “10 min” pressure test, peak pressure of seat B was more stable, and there was no significant difference between seats A and C, which was not consistent with the subjective test results. It was supposed that the judgment on the children’s comfort in safety seat depended on the first impression. When children aged 4 to 8 sit in different car safety seats, the safety seats with hard materials and flat seats produce greater pressure on the human body, while those with soft materials and tight wrapping accord with the request of ergonomics and are more comfortable.
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