Influences of Chinese and Western Cultural Background on Guang Style Furniture in Qing Dynasty
中文关键词: 清代  广作家具  中西文化  装饰风格
英文关键词: The Qing Dynasty  Guang style furniture  Chinese and Western culture  decorating style
安舜 广东工业大学广州 510090 
方海 广东工业大学广州 510090 
      目的 18世纪中西方文化的交融推动了广作家具的精进与创新,不仅催生了新的家具门类也引领着全国的设计风潮。探讨广作家具的文化背景与艺术特色为广作家具的现代“演绎”提供创新与活化的新思路。方法 结合清代的社会发展和经济文化等状况,通过资料收集、文献分析和考察走访,在实物案例中探究中西文化背景下清代广作家具的审美意蕴和内在价值。结论 广作家具沿袭明清传统家具的体系,具有较高的历史价值与艺术价值。在特定的社会背景下,广作家具的奇巧华丽深受清朝皇室的喜爱,于乾隆时期达到顶峰。在装饰风格上,它兼容并蓄,质美工巧,充分地反映出清代广作家具中西结合的风格特点;在文化互融中,以中国传统家具为基础吸收西洋文化元素,使广作家具中西文化并存。
      The integration of Chinese and Western cultures in the 18thcenturypromoted the improvement and innovation of Guang style furniture, which not only spawned new furniture categories but also led the national design trend. The work aims todiscuss the cultural background and artistic characteristics of Guang style furniture to providenew ideas for innovation and activation of the modern “deduction” of Guang style furniture. Combining with the social development, economic and cultural conditions of the Qing Dynasty, through data collection, literature analysis and inspection visits, the aesthetic connotation and intrinsic value of Guang style furniture in the Qing Dynasty under the background of Chinese and Western cultures were explored in the cases. Guang style furniture has developed in the direction of the traditional furniture system of the Ming and Qing dynasties and has high historical value and artistic value. Under a specific social background, Guang stylefurniturewas deeply loved by theroyal family of the QingDynasty, and its development reachesits peak during the Qianlong period. In terms of decorative style, it iscompatible with materials and craftsmanship, which fully reflects the characteristics of the combination of Chinese and Western furniture in the Qing Dynasty. In integration of cultures, it absorbs Western cultural elements based on traditional Chinese furniture, and make Chinese and Western cultures coexist in Guang style furniture.
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