Design Strategy and Application of Thematic Cultural InnovationProducts Based on Qualia Theory
中文关键词: 感质理论  主题性  文创产品  感质体验  设计策略
英文关键词: qualia theory  thematic  cultural and creative products  qualia experience  design strategy
刘小路 福州大学工艺美术学院厦门 361000 
吴白云 福州大学工艺美术学院厦门 361000 
      目的 在主题性文创产品设计中引入感质理论,借由感质意象的获取、传递与转化,提升文创产品的内涵表达与设计共鸣,实现不同主题的差异化体验。方法 在感质理论和感质传递机制指导下,以主题性为切入点,对文创产品的感质要素予以解析,提炼其感质意象的获取方式与编码途径,通过由物及象、由象及物、由意及象三种方法进行物境、情境、意境转译与情感传递设计,实现产品“物-界-状态”的融合表达。最后结合设计实践提出主题性文创产品感质意象的主题化解析策略、感质场域的全流程营造策略、感质体验的多通道实现策略。结论 将感质理论运用于主题性文创产品设计中,有助于深化主题,触发用户的注意力认知机制,实现用户与产品双向互动,提升产品优质化、导向性和差异化的感质体验。
      This thesis aims to introduce the Qualia Theory in the design of thematic cultural and creative products. Through the acquisition, transmission and transformation of qualia imagery, the connotation expression and design resonance of cultural and creative products can be enhanced to realize the different experiences of different themes. Under the guidance of Qualia Theory and qualia transmission mechanism, the thesis analyzes the temperament factors of cultural and creative products with the theme as the starting point, and refines the acquisition methods and coding methods of qualia element. The three methods of image transitivity, image transitivity and image transit are used for object, situation, mood translation and emotion transfer design to realize the fusion expression of “object-world-state” of the product. Finally, combined with the design practice, the thesis proposes a thematic analysis strategy for the thematic image of the cultural and creative products, a whole-process construction strategy for the perceptual field, and a multi-channel implementation strategy for the perceptual experience. The application of the Qualia Theory to the design of thematic cultural and creative products can help deepen the theme, trigger the user's attention and cognitive mechanism, realize the two-way interaction between users and products, and improve product quality, orientation, and differentiation qualia experience.
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