Design of Bamboo Weaving Products Based on Digitization
中文关键词: 数字化  竹编产品  OBM(Original Brand Manufacturer)  显示性比较优势指数分析  社会创新
英文关键词: digitization  bamboo weaving products  OBM (Original Brand Manufacturer)  revealed comparative advantage index analysis  social innovation
尤立思 湖南大学长沙 410082
内蒙古科技大学包头 014010 
季铁 湖南大学长沙 410082 
赵云彦 湖南大学长沙 410082
内蒙古科技大学包头 014010 
田启俊 湖南大学长沙 410082 
黎文广 湖南大学长沙 410082 
李盈 清华大学北京 100085 
      目的 中国竹资源体量虽为全球之最,但其产业附加值尚未达到全球先进水平。从宏观角度来看其根本原因在于中国竹材产业发展尚处于OEM的阶段。如何推动中国竹编家居产业向OBM发展,是当前设计介入竹编产业所急需探讨的问题。以设计介入为突破口,从微观视角入手,运用数字化技术,对竹编编织技法进行参数化研究,提出数字化下的竹编产品设计新思路,结合社会创新的工作方法提出适用于当地竹编产业的发展体系。方法 通过传统竹编编织技艺的数字化转化,结合在地资源,进行竹编产品的设计研究,通过开放式的创新方法,将设计、生产、社会认可进行有机的结合。结论 竹编作为我国传统的非物质文化遗产,如何活态化是保护过程中急需探讨的问题,数字化时代的到来为当代竹编产品的创新设计研究带来了新的机遇,通过开放创新设计对竹编进行数字化设计研究,为竹编技艺在当代的使用提供了新的思路并进行实践论证。
      Although the volume of bamboo resources in China is the largest in the world, its industrial added value has not yet reached the global advanced level. From a macroscopic perspective, the fundamental reason is that the development of China’s bamboo industry is still in the OEM stage. How to promote the development of China’s bamboo weaving home furnishing industry to OBM is an issue that needs to be discussed urgently as design is involved in the bamboo woven industry. This article takes design intervention as a breakthrough, starts from a microscopic perspective, uses digital technology to conduct parametric study on bamboo weaving techniques, proposes new ideas for digital bamboo weaving product design, and combines social innovation work methods to propose a local bamboo weaving industry development system. Through the digital transformation of traditional bamboo weaving techniques and combined with local resources, the design research of bamboo weaving products is carried out, and the design, production, and social recognition are organically combined through open innovative methods.How to activate bamboo weaving, the Chinese traditional intangible cultural heritage, is an urgent issue in the protection process. The advent of the digital era has brought new opportunities for the innovative design of contemporary bamboo weaving products. Design and research on through open and innovative design of bamboo weaving digitization provide new ideas and practical demonstrations for the contemporary use of bamboo weaving techniques.
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