Positive Creating with Mirroring Theory
中文关键词: 镜子理论  正创造模式  创新需求  逆向思维  思维技术
英文关键词: mirroring theory  positive solution space creating  need creation  reverse thinking  thinking techniques
陆定邦 广东工业大学 艺术与设计学院广州 510000 
      目的 设计是“解决问题”的方法,以“消除缺点”为要;设计也是“创造需求”的手段,以“增加优点”为主。就“解决问题”而论,最高质量的设计策略是提出“没问题”的解方,就“创造需求”而言,则需指出“人所不知其所需”的愿想。对于前者,已有许多有效方法可为因应;后者则长期欠缺,多流于口号或出于偶然。方法 根据镜子理论提出正创造模式以补充后者之不足,主要有五:负面定义待解问题、界定正创造空间范围、系统性地产出所有解方、自优而次地利用解方,以及保护优化知识产出。结果 透过“智能型公交车服务系统设计”案例,验证所提模式的可行性及相关特性。结论(1)考虑设计思维复杂性,是一种整合运用多元思维的创意技术;(2)化怨为愿地发展创新,是一种退以为进的双反型逆向思维法;(3)提供全方位解方指导需求变化,是一种创造需求的系统性方法;(4)运用语文操控创意发展,是一种人文工学的创新模式;(5)先建构假设再设法验证,是一种具前瞻思维的科学方法。
      Design is defined as a “problem-solving” approach, with “elimination of shortcomings” as its main focus, and also a means for “creating demand”, with “adding advantages” as its core concern. The highest quality of solving a problem is to propose a “no-problem” solution, while creating demand to point out “the need people yet to be aware of”. For the former, there are already many effective methods to deal with it, while the latter remains lacking. Based on Mirroring theory, the Positive Creation Method is proposed as supplement to the latter’s shortcomings, which consists of five elements, namely (1) negatively defining the problem to be solved, (2) delineating the scope of solution space with positive values, (3) systematic output of all solutions, (4) self-optimal use of solutions, and (5) protection and optimization of intellectual property. Through the Smart Bus Service System design case, the proposed approach is verified feasible. The model has five major features:(1) Taking the complexity of design thinking into account, it is a creative technology that integrates and uses multi-thinking; (2) developinbg innovation by turning complaints into wishes, it is a kind of double-reverse reverse thinking techniques using backward-thinking; (3) it is a systematic method to create demand to provide all-round solution to guide demand change; (4) using language to manipulate creative development, it is an advancement in terms of humane engineering, and; (5) it is a scientific method of forward thinking to construct hypotheses to be verified.
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