张妤静.政治美学视域下的法国五月风暴海报媒介研究[J].包装工程,2021,42(18):316-320, 332.
A Study of May’s 68 Posters from the Perspective of Political Aesthetics
中文关键词: 政治美学  海报  五月风暴  媒介  审美平等  审美共同体
英文关键词: political aesthetics  poster  May’s 68  media  aesthetic equality  aesthetic community
张妤静 西安理工大学西安 710061 
      目的 梳理1968年法国“五月风暴”运动时期,用于革命宣传海报的传播环境、表现形式与政治含义。方法 以政治美学为切入点,将“审美平等”“感性共同体”等左翼学者理论诉诸于“五月风暴”运动海报的媒介分析,通过对海报的风格、色彩、隐喻与符号阐释,探析视觉作品背后的政治符码含义。结果 从客体媒介环境与主体海报表达两方面阐明六八时期革命海报的政治内涵。结论 “五月风暴”海报招贴的创作与传播,表层是特殊时期法国民众对西方资本主义与时任政府反叛与对抗行为,中层是群众反抗与革命精神的物化,深层乃是通过将艺术技艺与艺术审美的适度削弱,拉近大众与文艺的距离,通过艺术的观看、评论、鉴赏平等完成广义上的“审美平等”,从而构建一个日常生活中的社会共同体。
      The paper aims to reorganize media environment, expression and political significance of “May’s 68” posters for revolutionary propaganda in France. Taking political aesthetics as the breakthrough point, the paper applies the theories of “aesthetic equality” and “community of sense” from the gauchistes’ academicians to the media analysis of “May’s 68” posters. Through the interpretation of the style,color,metaphor and symbol of the posters, this paper further analyzes the political code behind the visual works.This paper illustrates the political connotation of the revolutionary posters in the period of “May’s 68” from two aspects:the object media environment and the subject poster expression. As for the creation and dissemination of “May’s 68” posters, the surface is the French people’s rebellion and confrontation against western capitalism and the then government in the special period, the middle is the masses’ resistance and revolutionary spirit realization, and the deep is to narrow the distance between the masses and art by moderately weaking the Artistic skill and aesthetics and to set up “aesthetic equality” generally by equalizing the art’s watching, comments and appreciation, thus establishing a social community in daily life.
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