甘泉,高瞩,David Heathcote.中英百年贸易包装设计的文化交融性研究(1840—1949)[J].包装工程,2021,42(20):346-351.
Cultural Integration of Packaging Design from Chinese and British Century Trade (1840-1949)
中文关键词: 包装设计  文化交融  中英对比  百年贸易
英文关键词: packaging design  cultural integration  comparison between English and Chinese  century trade
甘泉 上海工程技术大学上海 201620
利物浦约翰摩尔大学利物浦 L32AJ 
高瞩 上海工程技术大学上海 201620 
David Heathcote 利物浦约翰摩尔大学利物浦 L32AJ 
      目的 1840—1949年是中英两国商品贸易交流最频繁的百余年,包装作为西方物质文明的载体,伴随着西学东渐之风大量、集中地传入中国,以至于中国现代包装设计上带有鲜明的西方烙印。以跨文化视角研究包装设计的历史进程,将中英百年的设计现象放置于全球视域中,探究中英两国百年包装设计文化互摄的面貌以及互动中的复杂关系,梳理中国包装设计现代化进程中对异质文化的接纳与融合。方法 采用图像学研究法分析中英包装设计的风格;使用谱系研究法梳理比对材料及包装印刷的技术手段;深入解析中英贸易往来的时代背景、贸易制度和社会环境。结论 中国包装设计的形态、风格和审美意识在中英贸易文化交流中深受西方艺术设计思潮的影响;包装设计背后的文化流动是交汇的,一方面是英国对东方韵味的好奇与想象,一方面是中国对西方器物的追从与崇尚;现代中国包装设计风格的形成是在中西方文化接触、借鉴和创造中不断强化自我认同形成的,是地域属性背景下的吐故纳新。
      It was the most frequent years that China exchanged with the Britain in merchandise trade from 1840 to 1949. As a conveyor of western material culture, packaging came into China overwhelmingly with the introduction of Western learning into China, which led to Chinese modern packaging design with strong western features. To find out which aspects Anglo-Chinese packaging design cultures are familiar with and where their sophisticated relations are while communicating, the aims to study the historic process of packaging design cross-culturally and to judge Anglo-Chinese designs over one hundred years worldwide. That research is also to figure out Chinese inclusiveness to foreign cultures during the process of modernizing its own packaging design culture. The style of packaging design in British and Chinese was analyzed by the method of iconology study. Also, uses genealogical methods to scope technologies in the area of materials and package printing so as to analyze the background, trade mechanisms and social circumstances in Britain and China thoroughly. Dating back to the cultural and commercial exchanges between China and Britain, it finds that western art and design has made a great difference to Chinese packaging design, not only in appearance but in style and aesthetic consciousness. What’s more, cultural exchanges behind packaging design is not a one-way thing. On one hand, the UK has been interested in Chinese charm, on the other hand, China has kept on pursuing and worshiping western goods. The formation of Chinese modern packaging style is based on its successive self-identity during the time of learning, contacting and creating something new with each other. Furthermore, Chinese packaging design betters itself by getting rid of the stale and taking in the fresh against a backdrop of regional attributes.
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