Design of Museum Cultural and Creative Products Based on Transference to Empathy
中文关键词: 博物馆文创  移情  共情  文化认同  产品设计
英文关键词: cultural creation of museum  tranferencne  empathy  cultural identity  product design
基金项目:教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(18YJC760138);教育部 2019年第二批产学合作协同育人项目(201902054025);浙江省大学生科技创新活动计划暨新苗人才计划(2020R406063)
张祖耀 浙江理工大学杭州 310018
中国美术学院 文创设计制造业协同创新中心杭州 310024 
范梦琳 浙江理工大学杭州 310018 
林效宇 浙江理工大学杭州 310018 
      目的 当前国内的博物馆文创产品存在同质化现象严重、缺乏用户体验等问题,基于此提出从“移情–共情”的视角出发,以重视用户体验层次的基础展开研究,补充博物馆文创产品设计研究的新内容。方法 在厘清设计中移情与共情关系的基础上从三大层次出发,设计师作为移情的执行者,从视觉元素、场景构建等方面入手,在设计过程中通过“形、景、感”进行逐层移情;用户作为共情的执行者,在对博物馆文创的“感知–认知–行为”的逐层共情体验中由表及里地逐步感受与理解馆藏文化。结果 基于“移情–共情”的博物馆文创产品设计方法,注重用户体验层次及与用户间的互动,能够帮助用户理解馆藏文化并获得文化认同。结论 以十二生肖甲骨迷宫甲骨文文创设计为例,验证了逐层的移情设计有助于设计师将用户的情感诉求及相关的文化情感等映射到设计对象本身,从而使用户在逐步升级的体验层次对产品中所蕴含的文化进行层层感知,从而达到共情及文化认同。该方法为博物馆文创产品设计拓展了新思路。
      At present, the domestic Museum's Cultural and creative products have a serious homogenization phenomenon and lack user experience. Based on this, this paper puts forward the research from the perspective of "transference-empathy" to pay attention to the level of user experience, so as to supplement the new content of Museum Cultural and creative product design research. On the basis of clarifying the relationship between transference and empathy in design, from three levels, the designer, as the executor of transference, starts from the visual elements and scene construction, and carries out empathy through "shape, scenery and feeling" in the design process layer by layer. As the performer of empathy, the user gradually feels and understands the culture of the collection through the empathetic experience of "perception-cognition-behavior" of the museum's cultural creation.The design method of cultural and creative products in Museums based on "transference-empathy" focuses on the level of user experience and interaction with users, which can help users understand the collection culture and gain cultural identity. Taking the oracle bone labyrinth of the Chinese Zodiac as an example, this paper verifies that the empathy design layer by layer helps designers to map the emotional demands of users and related cultural emotions to the design object itself so that users can perceive the culture contained in the product layer by layer in the gradually upgraded experience level, so as to achieve empathy and cultural identity. This method also expands a new design idea for Museum Cultural and creative products.
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