廖毅,鲁晓波,张薇.审美体验对用户可用性感知影响的元分析[J].包装工程,2022,43(10):293-299, 325.
Meta-analysis of the Impacts of Aesthetics Experience on User's Perceived Usability
中文关键词: 审美体验  可用性感知  元分析
英文关键词: aesthetics experience  perceived usability  meta-analysis
廖毅 清华大学北京 100085 
鲁晓波 清华大学北京 100085 
张薇 卡尔顿大学渥太华 K1S 5B6 
      目的 对审美体验与用户可用性感知的影响进行元分析。方法 以22项实证研究为数据来源,考察了审美体验对用户可用性感知的总体综合效用,并对与其相关的三大调节变量测量时机、地域文化和实际可用性等效用进行整合分析。结果 审美体验对用户可用性感知具有中等程度的积极影响。其中,审美体验对可用性感知的影响在实际使用物品之前比实际使用物品之后更为有效。审美体验对用户可用性感知的影响在亚洲最优,在美洲次之,而在欧洲最弱。物品实际可用性方面的差异,也会在一定程度上影响审美体验对可用性的感知。结论 用户对物品可用性的感知总是随着审美体验这一因素的提高而上升,其具体效果受测量时机、地域文化、物品实际可用性的影响,且其中测量时机和地域文化两因素所产生的差异显著。
      This paper conducts a meta-analysis of the impacts of aesthetics experience on user's perceived usability. 22 empirical studies are involved to investigate the impacts of aesthetics experience on user's perceived usability, and three corresponding mediating factors:timing of outcome measures, regional culture and objective usability of product are also examined. Aesthetics experience exerted moderate positive influence on user's perceived usability. Furthermore, the impacts of aesthetics experience on user's perceived usability are more effective before the product usage than that after the product usage; the impacts of aesthetics experience on user's perceived usability ranked first in Asia, then in America, and the last in Europe; and the difference in objective usability of product would also impact aesthetics experience on user's perceived usability to some extent. User's perceived usability always increases with the improvement of aesthetic experience. The influence of aesthetic experience on user's perceived usability is affected by timing of outcome measures, regional culture and objective usability of product, and the differences generated by timing of outcome measures and regional culture are significant.
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