Literature Review on Cultural and Creative Product Design Method Research in China:An Analysis of Themed Papers Published by the Journal of Packaging Engineering
中文关键词: 设计  文创产品  设计方法  用户感知  文献综述
英文关键词: design  cultural and creative product  design approach  user perception  literature review
程辉 浙江财经大学东方学院浙江 海宁 314408
宁波诺丁汉大学浙江 宁波 315100 
邱筱 浙江财经大学东方学院浙江 海宁 314408 
刘炳建 宁波诺丁汉大学浙江 宁波 315100 
孙煦 宁波诺丁汉大学浙江 宁波 315100 
李洋 浙江财经大学东方学院浙江 海宁 314408 
      目的 理清国内文创设计方法研究进展,为读者提供了解研究现状的机会,为研究者提供文创设计方法发展动向资讯。方法 文章整理了发表于《包装工程》的1 100余篇文创产品设计文献,根据文献引文完善了文创产品设计研究的论文网络,通过泛读与精读相结合的方式,对文献中的文创设计方法进行了分类,依照文创设计的基本流程范式(即撷取文化符号特色、形成设计概念定位、展开文创产品设计),形成了国内文创产品设计方法研究综述。结论 文章向读者提供了快速认识文创产品设计方法研究流派、脉络及范式的机会,有助于读者了解当前文创产品设计方法研究中的不足与潜在机会,也有助于相关研究者树立研究目标、明确研究方向。
      The work aims to clarify the research progress on cultural and creative product design methods in China, offer the readers an opportunity of comprehending the current research situation, and provide the researchers with information on the industrial trends. Based on more than 1 100 themed papers gathered from the journal of Packaging Engineering, the research net of cultural and creative product design methods is constructed, and these methods are placed in the right positions according to the research paradigm, namely, cultural symbols selection, design concept formation, and design practice implementation. This work may serve as a quick reference for researchers to understand the research landscape by offering details about the research schools, the major inquiry paradigm, the strategies for product design, and different design methods. Moreover, it may also help the readers to understand the drawbacks and gaps in this field and figure out the potential realms for further investigation.
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