Pediatric Paracetamol, Atificial Cow-bezoar and Chlorphenamine Maleate Granules Packaging Design Based on User Needs
中文关键词: 用户需求  小儿氨酚黄那敏颗粒  儿童OTC药品包装  包装设计
英文关键词: user needs  pediatric paracetamol, atificial cow-bezoar and chlorphenamine maleate granules  children's OTC medicine packaging design  packaging design
元慧慧 湖南工业大学湖南 株洲 412007 
何格 广州美术学院广州 510261 
曹雪 广州美术学院广州 510261 
      目的 提升小儿氨酚黄那敏颗粒药品包装的功能性和实用性,满足用户(家长和儿童)的实际需求,为我国儿童OTC药品包装设计提供新的思路和方法。方法 通过问卷调查及群众访谈,深入了解当前用户对儿童OTC药品包装的具体需求。其次,依据用户需求制定儿童OTC药品包装设计方案,并以小儿氨酚黄那敏颗粒为例进行设计实践。结果 针对具体的用户需求,提出儿童OTC药品包装设计可以通过安全性、便利性和互动性3个方面来实现。结论 以用户需求为核心的小儿氨酚黄那敏颗粒药品包装可以解决现阶段包装信息传达不明确、内袋剂量划分不精准、无法缓解儿童不良情绪、遗漏或重复喂药等问题,为儿童OTC药品包装的发展方向提供有力的实践依据。
      This paper aims to improve the functionality and practicability of children's OTC drug packaging and to meet the needs of users (both parents and children) , so as to provide new ideas and methods for the innovative design of children's OTC drug packaging in China. Through questionnaire survey and mass interview, we got a deep grip on current users'demand for children's OTC drug packaging. Furthremore, according to the needs of users, we make the OTC drug package plan suitable for children, which provides the theoretical basis for the innovative design of the OTC drug package for children and takes the package of pediatric paracetamol and Huanamin granules as an example. According to the needs of users, the innovation design of OTC drug package for children can be realized from four aspects:interactivity, safety and standardization. In conclusion, the OTC drug packaging for children based on user demand can solve such problems as unclear information transmission, inaccurate dose division of inner-bag drug packaging, unable to alleviate the adverse mood of children's drug use, and missed or repeated applying medicine. Moreover, it provides a strong practical basis for the innovation and development direction of children's OTC drug packaging.
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