Design of Cultural and Creative Products Featuring the Tea Horse Ancient Road
中文关键词: 茶马古道  特色文创  文创产品
英文关键词: Tea Horse Ancient Road (Tea-horse Road for short)  characteristic cultu ral and creative products  cultural and creative products
刘兴全 西南民族大学成都 610041 
杨俊坤 西南民族大学成都 610041 
      目的 为促进茶马古道的历史文化传承与创新发展、挖掘并分析“茶马古道”的多维文化内涵,寻找新视觉、新维度、新形式的特色文创产品设计开发模式。方法 以“茶马古道”历史文化脉络为核心,对中国茶马古道沿线相关区域的文化资源进行深入分析和解读,总结和提炼茶马古道的核心文化元素和文化因子,并进行再设计,力求构建一套以茶马古道为主线的文创产品开发模式,并通过具体设计步骤和过程加以阐释。结果 基于上述方法,以茶马古道相关文化元素为核心,开展设计实践,所得文创方案在“形”“色”“意”的结合上有较好的突破。结论 通过对茶马古道文化元素和符号特征的再设计,结合现代科技和网络信息平台,寻找传统文化和创新产品的最佳结合点,使其既有符合当代消费者需求的商品属性,又有作为精神文化传播价值的文化属性,为传统文创产品的多元化发展和茶马文化在现代市场的有效传承和传播提供新思路,并能够为地方区域经济文化发展包括成渝两地文旅融合发展提供有益的帮助。
      To further familiarize the very ancient Tea-horse Road with the majority and to explore more different sides of the multi-cultured Tea-horse Road, we could apply them on the culture creative products in our daily life. This paper goes very deep in researching all sorts of existed culture resources of Tea-horse Road to summarize and get the core value of it. And the author talks about how to use them to design new products and invent some model products based on the research and makes some important breakthroughs. The author also does a lot of research on how to achieve the most balanced point to combine the ancient traditional culture with the modern internet platforms, so it can not only satisfy the demands of customers' material needs, but also provide the inner cultural and spiritual functions. The author also believes the research will provide useful help for the economic and cultural development of local regions, including the integrated development of culture and tourism in Chengdu and Chongqing.
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