孙虎,张淼,张昊.基于用户行为的视障儿童画板设计[J].包装工程,2023,44(14):127-135, 144.
Design of Drawing Boards for Visually Impaired Children Based on User Behaviors
中文关键词: 设计  用户行为  点显式画板  视障儿童  触摸绘画
英文关键词: design  user behavior  point-explicit drawing board  visually impaired children  touch painting
孙虎 西华大学美术与设计学院成都 610039 
张淼 西华大学美术与设计学院成都 610039 
张昊 西华大学美术与设计学院成都 610039 
      目的 以用户体验为目标,以用户行为为切入,探究视障儿童画板设计的方法与路径。方法 首先筛选目标用户,归纳其行为特质,其次进行目标用户聚类的发散与细分,展开调研并根据调研结果绘制用户画像与用户体验旅程图,分析用户行为并整理其真实需求,从中寻找设计机会点,最后提出切实可行的产品设计原则和方案。结果 结合多种用户行为研究方法洞察用户需求,输出兼顾好用与易用、安全与情感的点显式视障儿童画板设计。结论 对用户行为及用户体验的高度重视和积极研究,使视障儿童画板的设计需求具体、过程清晰、功能多元。同时,该方法使产品设计流程更为客观和系统、设计方案更具现实价值,也可为此类特殊群体的设计提供一定参考。
      The work explores to explore the methods and paths of drawing board design for visually impaired children with user experience as the goal and user behavior as the entry point. Firstly, target users were selected to summarize their behavioral characteristics. Secondly, divergence and subdivision of the target user clustering were carried out to draw the persona and user experience journey map according to the survey results. Then, the user behaviors were analyzed to obtain their real needs, and find design opportunities based on them. Finally, practical product design principles and solutions were proposed. Combined with a variety of user behavior research methods, the insight into user needs were gained, the point-explicit drawing board for visually impaired children which taken into account both ease and usability of use, safety and emotion was created. The high attention and active research on user behavior and user experience make the design of the drawing board for visually impaired children specific, clear and functional. At the same time, this method makes the product design process more objective and systematic, the design scheme more practical value, and can also provide some reference for design of such special groups.
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