Driving Mechanism of Vending Machine Scene Effect Based on Consumer Sensitivity Adjustment
中文关键词: 无人零售  感官营销  人机交互  数字经济
英文关键词: unmanned retail  sensory marketing  human-computer interaction  digital economy
郭俊辉 浙江科技学院 经管学院杭州 310023 
陈启昊 浙江科技学院 经管学院杭州 310023 
于江川 浙江科技学院 经管学院杭州 310023 
      目的 本文聚焦消费者行为心理,揭示饮料贩卖机在具体场景下如何触发顾客的认知并利用。 方法 研究构建了以贩卖机氛围为自变量、消费者认知为中介变量、消费者感应为调节变量、利用意愿为因变量的调节与中介的整合模型。结果 通过调研和数据分析得出,贩卖机氛围由新奇有趣、操作简易、安全可信、商品多样和触达便捷这五个感知维度组成,各维度在年龄、利用频率、消费者感应上存在显著差异性。贩卖机利用意愿受到贩卖机氛围的直接影响,二者之间又存在视觉认知的近端中介和再忆认知的远端中介。消费者感应在多重链式中介模型中,对直接路径和后半路径存在显著的调节作用。结论 运营商应当科学地设计自动售货机,形成较好的视觉氛围,并根据不同的客群特征,实施不同的产品和营销策略,从而提高顾客的利用率。
      The work aims to focus on the psychology of consumer behavior and reveal how beverage vending machines trigger and utilize the customer perception in specific scenarios. An integrated model of moderation and mediation was constructed with vending machine atmosphere as the independent variable, consumer perception as the mediating variable, consumer sensitivity as the moderating variable and utilization intention as the dependent variable. Through the survey and data analysis, beverage vending machine atmosphere was composed of five perception dimensions:novelty, simplicity, security, diversity and convenience and significant difference was found in age, utilization frequency, and consumer sensitivity across dimensions. The intention to utilize the vending machine was directly affected by vending machine atmosphere, and there was proximal mediator of visual cognition and distal mediator of recall cognition between the two. Consumer sensitivity had significant moderating effect on the direct path and the second half path in the multi-chain mediation model. Therefore, operators should scientifically design vending machines to create a better visual atmosphere and implement different products and marketing strategies according to the characteristics of different customer groups, to improve customer utilization.
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