张瑞坤,张浩.在地文化于勉县农产品包装设计中的应用研究[J].包装工程,2024,(6):236-242, 262.
Application of Local Culture in Agricultural Product Packaging Design in Mian County
中文关键词: 在地文化  农产品包装设计  文化价值赋予  产品附加值
英文关键词: extraction and design concepts
张瑞坤 西安美术学院西安 710065 
张浩 西安美术学院西安 710065 
      目的 企业的品牌形象塑造很大程度离不开包装设计的作用,一款好的包装设计,不仅能提高产品的附加值,还能增强企业的市场竞争力。本研究结合笔者代表西安美术学院对实践项目“乡村振兴农文旅创新行动”的参与,把地域文化因素融入农产品,给它们带来了更强烈的品牌差异化和丰富的品牌附加值;挖掘各种商品背后所蕴涵的地方文化,把它们融合到农特产品包装设计之中。方法 通过参与乡村振兴农文旅创新行动,对勉县农产品包装从地域文化价值、图形元素、包装形式、材质等角度对其进行改进,从而推动勉县当地农产品品牌的发展,为未来农产品的发展奠定基础。结论 通过对农产品在地文化的解读与重构将当地的地域特征和人文名胜赋予商品的内涵之中,从而提高产品附加值,对乡村农特产品的发展有着深远意义和影响。
      The shaping of the enterprise brand image largely depends on the role of packaging design. A good packaging design not only enhances the added value of products, but also strengthens the market competitiveness of enterprises. The work aims to combine the author's participation in the practical project "Rural Revitalization and Innovation Action for Agricultural, Cultural, and Tourism Development" representing Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts and incorporate regional cultural factors into agricultural products, to bring stronger brand differentiation and enriched brand added value. Then, the local culture embedded behind various commodities are explored and integrated into the packaging design of agricultural specialty products. Through participation in the Rural Revitalization and Innovation Action for Agricultural, Cultural, and Tourism Development, improvements were made to the packaging of agricultural products from the perspective of regional cultural values, graphic elements, packaging forms, materials, etc., in order to promote the development of local agricultural product brands in Mian County and lay the foundation for future agricultural product development.The interpretation and reconstruction of local culture in agricultural products incorporate local geographical features and cultural landmarks into the essence of commodities, thereby enhancing their added value. This has profound significance and impact on the development of rural agricultural specialty products.
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