Postmodern Characteristics of Narrative in Picture Books Recreated from Traditional Stories
中文关键词: 传统故事绘本  再创造  绘本叙事  后现代特征  表现
英文关键词: traditional story picture books  re-creation  picture book narrative  postmodern characteristics  expression
刘晓杨 韩国国立群山大学韩国 群山 54154 
夏铭晨 韩国朝鲜大学韩国 光州 61452 
      目的 分析传统故事再创造绘本中后现代特征的叙事表现情况,为传统故事的传承和发展指出新的方向。方法 以3本年兽传说绘本为例,从文字文本,图像文本以及图标文本等3个方面分析其后现代特征的表现情况。结果 “传统与习惯的崩溃”“互文性”“有趣的字体设计与排版”以及“现实与幻想界限的模糊”等后现代特征已经通过图标文本得以多样化的展现,“元叙述”“游戏性”“非单一线性叙事”“去中心化”的特征也在文字叙事或图像叙事中有所体现,这为传统故事绘本的发展带来了生机与活力。“间界限的突破”“戏仿”“媒材混搭”“反常规的副文本”的特征尚未表现出来,是传统故事再创造领域继续挖掘和开发的空间。结论 目前在绘本中相对明确展现出来的后现代特征,应更加多样化和发展性地运用。那些处于探索阶段以及还未被表现出来的后现代表现技法,应该被积极尝试和大胆运用。利用图文关系叙事的图标文本是表现后现代特征的极佳方式,需要绘本创作者深入研究并灵活运用。
      The work aims to analyze the narrative expression of postmodern characteristics in picture books recreated from traditional stories and. With three picture books recreated from the monster Nian as examples, the expression of postmodern characteristics was analyzed from three aspects:text, image text and iconotext. The current postmodern characteristics such as "collapse of tradition and habit", "intertextuality'", "interesting font design and typography", and "blurring of the boundaries between reality and fantasy" were diversified through iconotexts. The characteristics of "meta-narrative", "gameplay", "non-single linear narrative", and "decentralization" also emerged in text or image text, which brought vigor and vitality to the development of traditional story picture books. However, the characteristics of "breakthrough of space boundaries", "parody", "mashup of media materials", and "unconventional paratext" were not shown, leaving a space for continuous excavation and development in the field of traditional story re-creation. From this, it can be concluded that the postmodern characteristics that are currently well displayed in picture books at present should be used in a more diversified and developmental way. Those postmodern expression techniques that are in the exploration stage and have not yet been shown should be actively tested and boldly used. Iconotext is an excellent way to express postmodern characteristics, and it is worthy of study and utilization by picture book writers.
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